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Both guys were overrated going into this fight. People were talking about Trout being slick and having good defense. Lmao. He just dances in the ring.
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I thought the fight was closer than what the judges scored. Yea canelo won with those power punches. Trout has no punching power. If canelo was more consistent in attacking trout, the fight would have ended sooner. Eh...can't wait for next week sergio vs murry.
I think a lot of  People are unjustly harsh on Canelo. I think for a 22 year old with practically no amateur experience he has an outstanding resume and as time progress he will only get better. I think when it is all said and done he will be dominant Middleweight champion. Trout didn't impress me at all. Its going to Be hard for him to beat young A level fighters with absolutely no punching power and little to no head movement.At some point in a fight you have to make your opponent think that you can put them on their back unless you're Pernell Whitaker . I wold pick  Lara, Vanes and Carlos Molina to beat him.

Angulo and Kirkland would have him doing the Harlem shake.
Canelo won a close fight. Anyone who sees it differently is grossly ignorant of facts.

Ignorant of facts? I dont think you're looking at the facts. Trout threw over 300 more punches and landed only 30 more than Canelo! Activity does not equal effectiveness. And Canelo who is not known for his defense, made Trout look like he was fighting Mayweather out there. He fought with his hands down for most of the late rounds just begging to be hit and trout was punching air. Canelo was much more effective especially with the power punches. It was not a close fight.
A lot of the rounds that Trout won or appeared to have won were very close, it was almost like Canelo was taking vacation. But ipanything that's close, you can automatically assume Canelo wins. The rounds that Canelo really did try, he dominated.
Everybody was saying how Trout was going to outbox Canelo and school him in the ring. Canelo lands a significantly higher % of his punches, threw over 300 less punches than Trout, only landed 30 less, dodged 70% of Trout's punches, and people are saying it was a close fight or that Trout won? You replace Canelo's name wiith Mayweather and everybody is praising him right now. Canelo was enjoying the nice breeze from Trouts punches.
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He was the better man. He was quicker he was stonger. He was the better man than me I have no excuses for tonight. I ask God that he helps me accept my defeat humbly. Again I have no excuses who won the fight the better man took it. He boxed a lot better then I thought and he moved a lot better then i though. He shocked us. To Trout Nation I am sorry I failed this time I will come back stronger.

Respect for Trout.
Canelo is not fighting Lara. Bet he fights Cotto next, his name still sells.

Just watched again, Paulie M was sucking off Trout the entire fight :smh:
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He actually showed some defensive skills tonite.


Cotto, JCC JR, Lara, Sergio whoever.... Make the good fights

He actually showed some defensive skills tonite.


Cotto, JCC JR, Lara, Sergio whoever.... Make the good fights

Seriously. Impressive showing by him for me. I thought Trout had some underrated power but I was way off. I thought it was 8-4 or 7-5 Canelo.

BTW the first right hand Kirkland tastes from Alvarez, it's over. And he'll find the target much faster than Kirkland will.
I think the Next fight for Canelo is going to either be Cotto or The winner between Ishe Smith and Carlos Molina fight to unify the Belts. I See Molina Beating Ishe. If Canelo fights Cotto I see Cotto's corner throwing in the towel sometime in the middle rounds. Really looking forward to the Zab VS Garcia fight. I think Zab is going to stop Garcia.
I hate to say it but I think Ishe Smith squeezes out with the decision in that one. Simply because Carlos Molina is the easiest person to rob.
I personally had it 113-111 for Canelo.

Honestly I felt the seventh was the deciding round. Canelo caught Trout with a great straight right, and that was the shot that made the difference. Trout recovered well from that round, and would've won that round if not for the knockdown.

Canelo showed a ton of improvement though. Who would've seen that defensive effort coming? :lol: I didn't. His head movement was amazing. It can take him a long way.

He has to work on his conditioning though. It was evident he won the fight, but if he would've fought someone with some more power, he would've had some trouble.

What I'm saying is that Canelo took off a LOT of time in the middle of most rounds. He absolutely had the more effective and clean shots, but he would take so much time off.

I hope we get the luxury of watching CaneloJCC Jr. Or Canelo/Sergio. If JCC Jr. took Canelo seriously, I could see him pulling it off. Sergio would be a wildcard because he could have his night ended early with Canelos power, while Sergio would be the first guy with punching power to match Canelo's.

If Trout had the punching power of a Sergio that might've been a very different fight.

It's hard to gauge because when Canelo finally fought someone bigger and that was a good boxer, he FINALLY improved his defense. He had some lapses in there though, and that's what would worry me against someone like Sergio.

I'm excited for a future Canelo fight though. Good night

That scoring was terrible though. I hate open scoring. There's no intrigue.
I personally had it 113-111 for Canelo.

Honestly I felt the seventh was the deciding round. Canelo caught Trout with a great straight right, and that was the shot that made the difference. Trout recovered well from that round, and would've won that round if not for the knockdown.

Canelo showed a ton of improvement though. Who would've seen that defensive effort coming? :lol: I didn't. His head movement was amazing. It can take him a long way.

He has to work on his conditioning though. It was evident he won the fight, but if he would've fought someone with some more power, he would've had some trouble.

What I'm saying is that Canelo took off a LOT of time in the middle of most rounds. He absolutely had the more effective and clean shots, but he would take so much time off.

I hope we get the luxury of watching CaneloJCC Jr. Or Canelo/Sergio. If JCC Jr. took Canelo seriously, I could see him pulling it off. Sergio would be a wildcard because he could have his night ended early with Canelos power, while Sergio would be the first guy with punching power to match Canelo's.

If Trout had the punching power of a Sergio that might've been a very different fight.

It's hard to gauge because when Canelo finally fought someone bigger and that was a good boxer, he FINALLY improved his defense. He had some lapses in there though, and that's what would worry me against someone like Sergio.

I'm excited for a future Canelo fight though. Good night

That scoring was terrible though. I hate open scoring. There's no intrigue.

EDIT: I knew 111-113 sounded off. :lol:

I had it 114-113. 6 to 6
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