Quoted from the article below:

"Wednesday night we saw some tweets speculate that Sheridan’s source is’s web developer. Makes sense–this person would be burdened with building up the announcement via extra pages with, presumably, sparkling new content.

So, we ran a Firebug  across in an attempt to look at the source code.

Right now, there are pages on his site that were built Tuesday. There is no content on them, but they do have a color palette.

ffbb42, 012a60, 870038, ffffff

Those are the colors of the Cleveland Cavaliers, for those of you too lazy to plug them into a hex chart. Everything else is the same. His web developer built pages with a navy blue header, crimson font sets, and golden accents. Definitely suspicious, but so was that silly La Familia  conspiracy theory."

Quoted from the article below:

"Wednesday night we saw some tweets speculate that Sheridan’s source is’s web developer. Makes sense–this person would be burdened with building up the announcement via extra pages with, presumably, sparkling new content.

So, we ran a Firebug across in an attempt to look at the source code.

Right now, there are pages on his site that were built Tuesday. There is no content on them, but they do have a color palette.

ffbb42, 012a60, 870038, ffffff

Those are the colors of the Cleveland Cavaliers, for those of you too lazy to plug them into a hex chart. Everything else is the same. His web developer built pages with a navy blue header, crimson font sets, and golden accents. Definitely suspicious, but so was that silly La Familia conspiracy theory."

That's all from this tweet
That's all from this tweet

fake. that report doesnt even make sense from a web design aspect. he made blank pages that havent been published and have nothing on them but color codes... but they populated in a REGISTERED PAGE scanner? somebody better take that program and apply it to so we can get ALLLLLLLLL the twitter-link only checkout links way ahead of time.
Listening to 790 in miami, some of these "heat fans" making us few real heat fans look bad. There was even this one dude who admitted to being a bandwagon and said nothing was wrong with leaving games early
:smh: :smh: :smh:
Listening to 790 in miami, some of these "heat fans" making us few real heat fans look bad. There was even this one dude who admitted to being a bandwagon and said nothing was wrong with leaving games early
:smh: :smh: :smh:
:smh: im not even from miami and im a heat fan for life...
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 49s
Dwyane Wade expected to be on a flight back to Miami with LeBron James tonight, league sources told Yahoo. They had been together in Vegas.

Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 17s
James has plans to fly to World Cup over the weekend. Heat and Cavs expect his decision before he leaves for Brazil, sources tell Yahoo.
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Chris Broussard ‏@Chris_Broussard 37s
This is getting very interesting. Definitely not at 85 pct for Cavs anymore :smile:
I hope it isn't true that they are leaving bosh out of everything, if it is then I hope that he does go to houston, media already underappreciates him, hope he isn't letting those two treat him like no *****
Here's Mo Williams:

"Bron had me blinded man. He wins you over completely. He makes you feel like you're his best friend. He'll party with you, train with you, dance on the sideline with you… Look, growing up I was obsessed with the Thundercats. Bron found out and he had this artist make me a painting where it was me playing basketball, but I looked like Panthro. He would call me Panthro all the time, and I called him Lion-O. We used to joke about how Dwight (Howard, then their nemesis with the Orlando Magic) was Mumm-Ra." I ask Williams where that painting is now, and he crumbles his napkin and tosses it over his shoulder, then shrugs. "I couldn't get Bron to pick up my calls for a week after 'The Decision,' so finally I just sent him a text, I just said, Lion-O would never leave Panthro out in the cold. Two days later I get a text back that says I'm a basketball player and a businessman, not a Thundercat. But that's how he is… That's who he is. He makes you feel like a million bucks and then steps over you like a bad penny on his way out the door."

Does Mo think Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade should be worried?

"A man lets you know who he is by how he treats others. D. Wade, Chris, Heat fans, they saw how Bron did me and the Cavs, so they shouldn't expect no sympathy from no one. You invite a vampire into your house, you gonna get bit. Simple as that."

~ Fake but amusing.  Especially since Mo had to come forward and deny he said it.

              There's two types of people in this world.  Thundercats and hos.
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Could they really all be trying to leave Chris Bosh out of all of this? I don't know how to feel about that if that's what is going on.
Could they really all be trying to leave Chris Bosh out of all of this? I don't know how to feel about that if that's what is going on.
Yea that's what im sayin, If they made that man opt out and did him like that, I just couldn't be a fan anymore... hope the smoke clears soon
Could they really all be trying to leave Chris Bosh out of all of this? I don't know how to feel about that if that's what is going on.

Yeah in all honesty I feel terrible if they're doing Bosh that dirty. Even though I'd rather Melo on the team then Bosh, I don't want Bosh to feel like dirt by 2/3 of the big 3.
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