No matter what fellas, you guys ran the NBA for 4 years. You'll be back, just keep Riley on his grind.

Good luck goin forward.
I am not upset at the decision by LeBron. It was truly a fun 4 years as a Heat fan. 

Good luck to him and I'm thankful for the championships that were brought.

Now its time to focus on what the Heat organization will be doing.
At the end of the day, he brought us 2 championships and all attention was on this city. I'm thankful for that.

Time to move in the next direction. Ennis and Napier will get playing time and there will be pressure on Spo to prove how great of a coach he is. Hoping we get something back in a sign and trade.
Excited to see in which direction Pat Riley will go now with the team.

Absolutely. We retool and prepare for the upcoming season. I'm happy for LeBron if this is what brings him peace. Can't be anymore proud to have had him a part of this club the last four years!
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Dang...what a run we had guys

Never expected this to happen in 2010 and was pleasantly surprised when we were able land the big 3.

Sucks but we will be ok eventually. Stay strong and classy Heat nation :pimp:
On another note, Wiggins goes to Minnesota for Love? Can we still do a sign and trade? Don't really think I'd want anyone from the Cavs though besides Wiggins.
Shabazz and Ennis era about to begin though
Props to whoever was a heat fan pre lebron and still is a heat fan post lebron.

The dudes who end up conveniently not being heat fans anymore are lame as hell to me. If you can like them while they made 4 straight finals then your a chump if you can't still support them when the team faces some adversity.
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