So I guess they are not gunna do anything about Cole/Rio- don't think I can watch another game till' they make something happen

Not sure how bad you have to be to get fired
Another L.

Weird FACT: we have played 10 times this season on a Wednesday. We have lost 9 times out of 10. The ONLY win on a Wednesday this season was OPENING DAY :smh:

P.s. I keep track of all the wins and loses on the OP.
My biggest fear at the moment, is that Hassan will continue to develop and opt to go to another team that may need his services
I can't even fathom that right now, hopefully he doesn't do em' like that and they pay him like he should be.

Can't lie tho, Bosh has been as Beta as some people expected him to be. His lack of energy and effort is sad and trying to work around his one-dimensional game has put a bit of a haul on the offense, just doesn't work the same w/o Wade. He is going to have to play aggressive like he did in the beginning of the year to be effective

Immediate action for new PG's has to be done, and now, no exceptions... to wait would be ridiculous.

and I feel you 2cool... man... embarrassing lol
With today's loss and BK winning we're officially ranked 9th in the East.

At this rate I seriously don't see any improvements from this team. It's like we have some good pieces even with the injuries but it's not clicking or translating into wins.

Also Bosh is playing like he isn't the 2nd or 3rd highest player in the league right now. He's brining no effort, no toughness, and no constant presence that we need on a nightly basis to warrant such a high paycheck. If Whiteside does end up walking after the season it's going to be back to bottom feeders in the east for awhile if Pat doesn't turn this around.
Yea I agree Bosh is completely unresponsive to responsibility, I thought he would fare better than he has but he is chillen in the backseat with nobody at the wheel.

If not for said contract, I wouldn't be suprised if they tried to make him expendable cause he is certainly playing that way
Yeah this team to me may needs a new coach. Spo is just not reaching everyone's potential other then Whiteside. I "low key" blame Spo for a lot of last seasons inconsistencies and Beasley not being on this team.

I forgot who said we need a "irrational scorer" (ie. Swaggy P, Lance, or JR Smith) but Beasley is in the mold of those players and we could've gotten him for the league minimum. Guys like Granger, McRoberts, and Shawn Williams have no reason to be featured on this Heat team. As I said earlier, with Spo's stiff and blasé demeanor I don't see this team doing anything in the East/NBA till they change up there scheme and philosophy. A player like LBJ can mask a lot of Spo's flaws and this year even with the talent we have, we still lose to teams like the 76ers and Magic. We're just nowhere near consistent in my opinion and that starts with the coach.
He likes to be inconsistent and I don't think it is going to fly anymore,

Granger, Williams have been inconsistent but that can kinda be expected when he switches up the rotations every other game. Williams, Granger, will play one-two games then not play the next two and that kind of inconsistency just makes no since in my mind. They will have gamess where they are hot from three and then he switches it up and they don't play for a while.

Bosh one-dimensional game is not workin' out tho.
Trust me I feel you! Last season he would do the same with James Jones and Beas. They'll play for like 2 games in a row with consistent minutes then go 2 months with sitting on the bench. I remember the SunSports announcers said "it's weird to have Beasley healthy and playing good, but then go 17 games straight without minutes". There's no logic to his madness.

On Bosh's problems, he was who we thought he was (Lol! Coach Dennis Green reference). He knows what he has to do to help out the team but he's falling into that zone of being a "finesse big" who doesn't want to do the dirty work to help the team win. You don't pay someone $123,000,000.17 unless they're a Dirk Nowitzski in their prime. What you see from Bosh now is only going to get worst as the season(s) progress because of his age. I'm almost hoping we have a open ear to the NBA trade/FA market to see if you can get 2 or 3 more pieces for what Bosh's contract is worth. For what Whiteside gives he's more deserving of Bosh's contract and if Whiteside keeps flourishing he'll be a more valuable asset to the team then Bosh is at this point in time.
Yea, our season now hangs in the balance of what transpires these next two weeks(trade-deadline). It's the market or bust
I'm fine with spo. Wade has been out a considerably amount of games. Bosh has. Deng has. No Mcbob. The team has yet to have a 3-4 week stretch with everybody healthy. Rio wade Deng bosh and Whiteside will be the crew that needs to work together and get some games in to create some rhythm. With rhythm that line up is dangerous
I'm fine with spo. Wade has been out a considerably amount of games. Bosh has. Deng has. No Mcbob. The team has yet to have a 3-4 week stretch with everybody healthy. Rio wade Deng bosh and Whiteside will be the crew that needs to work together and get some games in to create some rhythm. With rhythm that line up is dangerous
having no rhythm for 4 months straight is dangerous. injuries or not. somebody has to step up. and the only people who have played with any kind of gusto at ANY point this year, have been ennis, whiteside, and wade.
I know you guys want to see some big or middle tier move be made but we don't have any assets to trade. That is the sad reality we are currently in. Our best asset that is moveable is Norris Cole. So unless Pat pulls something completely out of left field, this is the team we are going to war with for the next 30+ games.

The more I reflect on it, the more I come to the conclusion that Michael Beasley was never given a fair shot. As inept as he was on defense, his offense would be doing wonders for us right now.

A source in contact with Detroit confirmed the Pistons offered impending free agent power forward Jonas Jerebko to the Heat for Cole. But as reported, Detroit rejected Miami’s demand that the Pistons also take Danny Granger, who’s due $2.2 million next season. Miami Herald
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the heat made stupid desperate moves after lebron left like many of us said. now theyre regretting them and trying to get their money back. stupid decisions. and i been saying we needed beasley and spo shoulda had him on the floor. this is damn near a tank season. we're scraping our way to the 8th seed. its time for this team to tighten up and play like they mean it.
Damn SVG was lookin' out, Riley should have bit 

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