:rofl: I called that Egnew pick feces from the beginning. Mike Sherman destroyed him on national TV and it was all downhill from there. One of the worst picks Ireland made in his tenure.
Have any of you guys ever seen Wallace ever catch the ball with his damn hands? Every time he's thrown to he waits for the ball to come to his chest.
Have any of you guys ever seen Wallace ever catch the ball with his damn hands? Every time he's thrown to he waits for the ball to come to his chest.
I seriously believe Jarvis Landry will have a better season than Wallace. Purely speaking of value, I'd rather have Rishard Matthews than Mikey.
Who is this Damien Williams fellow? I gotta use my imagination cause I'm stuck at work listening on the radio.
I seriously believe Jarvis Landry will have a better season than Wallace. Purely speaking of value, I'd rather have Rishard Matthews than Mikey.
Gotta remember tho take away Wallace and all those underneath routes become more easily covered

Dan Marino set to accept a position within Dolphins organization

Sun Sentinel
MIAMI GARDENS - The Miami Dolphins have spent months discussing a role within the organization for Dan Marino, and it appears he's finally accepted one.

Following Saturday's 25-20 victory over the Dallas Cowboys the Sun-Sentinel confirmed Marino will accept a position within the organization, but couldn't get the specifics of his role.

According to NBC6, the Hall of Fame quarterback will accept a position as owner Steve Ross' and CEO Tom Garfinkel's special adviser The news station claims an announcement will be made next week.
The Dolphins organization will neither confirm or deny any announcement is coming.

Marino has been discussing a position with Ross for months. Marino attended practice last week and spent a significant amount of time talking to new general manager Dennis Hickey, and team executive Dawn Aponte.

Exactly what Marino's responsibilities would be on a day-to-day basis are unclear, but the Ross era of the Dolphins has consistently reached out the team's alums in an effort to get them more involved with South Florida's NFL franchise.

Once the position becomes official this will be Marino's second stint in an executive's role with the organization he played 17 seasons for.
In 2004 Marino briefly returned to the Dolphins as Senior Vice President of Football Operations, but he resigned three weeks later, saying that the role was not in the best interest of his family, or the Dolphins. He immediate returned to his television duties.

Marino worked for CBS for 11 seasons before not having his contract renewed this past year. Marino openly admits he wanted to return to the Dolphins front office during a Showtime interview, saying he admired the role John Elway had as the Denver Broncos' top executive.
By Omar Kelly
Have any of you guys ever seen Wallace ever catch the ball with his damn hands? Every time he's thrown to he waits for the ball to come to his chest.



[COLOR=#red]gives some insight on Marino's position with the team as well as talks about Tannehill... pretty much says what we have been saying for 2 seasons.[/COLOR]

:lol: Jason Cole gained a #%!@ ton of weight since I last saw him, wow

I'm glad the GOAT is in the organization now. I hope he can have an Elway kind of role with the team in the future. That being said, Elway looks a helluva lot better once he got a top 5 QB of all time.

And as much of an anti-Tannehill guy I am, I am not sure I believe the "reports" about the organization being uncomfortable with Tanny. Where's that coming from? I haven't read that anywhere else. Either way, this is the year to put up or shut up.
I will believe Marino staying with us, when I see it, LONG term.

He joined us years ago too, and quit 3 weeks later. :smh:

I'm fine with him being around, but I want him there long term, and working his *** off, not golfing all day and runnin his mouth.
[COLOR=#red]:lol: I thought the same thing finns. As far as Tanney I haven't read it at all as well, quite the opposite actually. And you know how "inside sources" go... but I do believe if he has the same season as last year (up and down) the Dolphins will be looking for a new QB. He has to produce. 30 tds / 10 picks... 65ish completion percent... don't hold on to the ball, don't fumble.

CP agreed fully, but to be fair when he was hired the first time he was supposed to be John Elway typpe and they changed their mind a week after hiring him, supposedly. I like that things were just a bit more defined now.[/COLOR]
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I will believe Marino staying with us, when I see it, LONG term.

He joined us years ago too, and quit 3 weeks later. :smh:

I'm fine with him being around, but I want him there long term, and working his *** off, not golfing all day and runnin his mouth.

That was so embarrassing. I remember it like it was yesterday, "Dan the Figurehead" headlines

[COLOR=#red]:lol: I thought the same thing finns. As far as Tanney I haven't read it at all as well, quite the opposite actually. And you know how "inside sources" go... but I do believe if he has the same season as last year (up and down) the Dolphins will be looking for a new QB. He has to produce. 30 tds / 10 picks... 65ish completion percent... don't hold on to the ball, don't fumble.

CP agreed fully, but to be fair when he was hired the first time he was supposed to be John Elway typpe and they changed their mind a week after hiring him, supposedly. I like that things were just a bit more defined now.[/COLOR]

Yeah I think he's pulling that one out of his @!#%. Cole has always hated the Phins. But I agree. Put together a better season, less picks, more TD's, and 4000 yards. 3900 with a Sherman offense so I expect Lazor to work wonders.
If the offensive line was even average last year tannehill gets us into the playoffs easily we lost some games last year specifically because the oline **** the bed . I don't think he's under any type of hot seat at all.
Omar Kelly ‏@OmarKelly 1m

Mike Wallace & Ryan Tannehill threw passes together after practice. Not 1st time they've done it, but it is clear frustration is setting in
You don't say?... Maybe if Wallace would keep his head down and keep running and look up 20 yards down field it would be fine. Instead he starts looking as soon as he gets off the ball. And that's just the recent thing. The problem between these two changes week to week.

I do expect Tanny to get 4,000+ easy especially in what this offense seems to be. I believe vs. the cowboys they were just forcing the run to really work on it live. Which turned out quite nicely for Moreno. [/COLOR]
If the offensive line was even average last year tannehill gets us into the playoffs easily we lost some games last year specifically because the oline **** the bed . I don't think he's under any type of hot seat at all.

[COLOR=#red]Huge problem yes, not fully to blame. Tanny did not look good the last two games. 25-50% of those two games lay on his shoulders. [/COLOR]
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