Official 2014 New Years Resolution

I just want to continue living how i been living, take in and enjoy the good. Learn and become a better person from the bad things. Im just blessed i wont change nothing.
Just gonna try to enjoy life more and not let little things get to is too short to dwell on the little things
Focus on what I can control and worry less about the things I can't
Make everyday count and grow as a man and as a human being
Get my mixtape out and start the networking process

Get over the fear of performing

Strive for better health

Make sure that I get my damn grades up

Putting faith in that vagina will come to me if i do everything above i.e. stop chasing vagina
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Graduate college
150 credit hrs
Be a better person overall
Workout 5x a week
Less liquor
Be more blunt
Be more selfish
Get a great job
Buy my first car
Live comfortably
Stay in a constant workout routine
adapt more vegetarian style meals
No Dambs Given 2k14 :smokin
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Get my mixtape out and start the networking process

online link?

I always appreciate new music whether it be new artists trying to make it, new albums from classic artists, new artists, etc.

-Gym 3 times a week minimum. minimum 2 weight room days, 1 basketball day.
-Quit cruising and be pro active about where I want to be in the next year.
-Be more friendly/open with others. Not to be so quiet all the time.
I've made it my goal to get laid these past 3 years. :smh:

haven't accomplished it
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-get my license
-stay healthy, get my running game up
-learn new programming languages
-This beer sales rep position I'm in is too time consuming. Try to transfer to a position where I could have a social life.

-Control my spendings. Upper 20s got me thinking I have to buy a house soon.

-Get back in shape.
-tone up/get in shape
-get transcript from college so I can register in another college
-save more money
-Aquire more yambs
-Network(Need to fix up my Linkedin, Resume, and apply for Careers in my field)

-5 times a week I need to be in gym(Rip Season is approaching since I have been bulking for the past 3-4 months)

-Work on my academics (3.0+.....I know I can get a 4.0 just need to apply myself)

-Take the GRE (Need to find time to study while taking 18 hours this semester)

-Graduate Summer 2014 ( Need to send out apps for Grad School)

-Move to the East Coast(DMV area unless I head to NYC)

-Read more books (Knowledge is key.....I'm in this 50 books 50 movies thread on another site for 2014)

-Internship(Need to get more involve in school....Plan to attend this China Summit in May and San Francisco business meeting)

-No Dambs with the Yambs 2014 
-Network(Need to fix up my Linkedin, Resume, and apply for Careers in my field)
-5 times a week I need to be in gym(Rip Season is approaching since I have been bulking for the past 3-4 months)
-Work on my academics (3.0+.....I know I can get a 4.0 just need to apply myself)
-Take the GRE (Need to find time to study while taking 18 hours this semester)
-Graduate Summer 2014 ( Need to send out apps for Grad School)
-Move to the East Coast(DMV area unless I head to NYC)
-Read more books (Knowledge is key.....I'm in this 50 books 50 movies thread on another site for 2014)
-Internship(Need to get more involve in school....Plan to attend this China Summit in May and San Francisco business meeting)
-No Dambs with the Yambs 2014 :pimp:  

link to thread 50 movies 50 books thread .

I've got the movies part down but I want to delve into books. :nerd:
Staying focused on my actual goals in life and being less self doubtful.

2013 probably could've been one of the best years of my adult life, but I let self doubt creep in and ruin it. Thus, making 2013 one of the worst years in my adult life.
Take steps towards becoming the man I want to be.
Travel through Europe.
Better shape.
smash AT LEAST one chick in every country I visit.
Go full time at my bank job so I can have more money in Europe.

That's it for 2014. Not going to school, when I get back from Europe in 2015, becoming either an electrician or working for PG&E

For those of you providing abstract resolutions, try and focus on specific goals that will produce the results you're looking for. Rather than saying something like "Make more friends" set out an actual achievable goal/plan i.e. "Make 1 new friend each month of the year." That way you can have a sense of accomplishment.
Get my license

Get a car

Get a Job

Get my body like a greek God

Apply to colleges, get accepted
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Get job/Sell more music
Save up 1500 for trip in August
Save up like 5k for a decent car w/ AC and heat
Get my grades up so I can get this studio position
Lose like 100 pounds
Help out w/ bills

I think these are the more important ones for me to get growth but this pic is a general idea of me becoming better too imo

Talk Less, write more

Drink more water

Not even save bread, keep better track of my bread

Drive less

Read more

Think more

Overall...Work Harder...
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