Official 2014 New Years Resolution

I thought 2013 was a decent year for me. Still not where I want to be but I'm working on it. I think as long as you see progress in whatever it is you are working towards, you are successful. Keep your goals in front of you and remember the little things add up.

In 2014 I'd like to stay positive, not procrastinate as much, keep moving forward in life and in my career field, and just become a more well balanced person. Sounds simple enough but I find that is what works best for me.
Never skip on drinking 1gal of water

Never skip a day in the gym

No soda

Keep the sweets to only the weekend

Only cop practical shoes

Stack bread and take a nice vacation.
1. Continue to put my happiness first
2. Lose 15 pounds by the end of the year
3. Be more communicative in work and personal life
4. Visit my grandparents more
5. Be nicer to people, but not get taken advantage of
6. Apply for jobs and do well in interviews just to see if I'd be able to have opportunities outside of what i currently do (currently love what I do, more just testing the waters)
(No particular order)
-Continued job search (full time, career oriented)
-Read a book or two every month
-Help more around the house (includes designating thorough cleaning days at least every other week)
-Improve Photoshop/graphic design skills
-Continue to save money and vacation (God-willing) twice

Hope everyone has a :pimp: 2014.
2014 is looking like that year

- Move out
- Stay in shape
- Get a job that I love doing

It's about time I put those three things in my main focus along with my own personal happiness.
Complete Prelims, become a Doctoral candidate, and start writing the dissertation.
Advance fiscally.
Lose 30+ pounds/get into better shape
Start writing a book
- get better at ball everyday
- talk to atleast 3 new yambs everyday
- read a book a week
- gym atleast 3 times a week
- start learning how to swim
- start dressing better
- transfer to the college I want to go to
-no more fapping or porn
Activate beast mode in the gym
Finish my degree, certs
Make next step in my career
Manage my money better
Clear debt, increase credit score
Fully enjoy single life
Truly, completely, absolutely let her go
I would say 2013 has been the launching pad for me. After a rough 2012 had my break from school. Experience a lot of things that I'm proud that I went through. With getting this second job at Target I feel like now there is no excuse to not accomplish any goal for 2014.

But I did promise myself I would lower my expectations and just roll with certain things. I tend to have more fun when I don't put that pressure on myself and over think.

*Be honest to myself and those around me
*Keep a distance from those that are not about be better humans!
*Save and make this move to Cali with some friends.
*Get back into school, I do miss it. Was going for Sports Journalist but all the GREAT TV & Movies I'v watched this past year really sparked an interest and I want to dive into it.
*Want to be more selfish but not a complete Ahole
*Get these bills to a reasonable area
*Stop eating like crap. Wanna try some new things working at target in the backroom is opening my eyes to new foods that I wanna try.
*Get back to playing ball a lot more. It was just that one thing that really help me get away from everything negative.
Continue eating healthy

Get back into exercising

Ride my bike to the east end of Long Island (~75 mile ride)

Make efforts to find a cool girl

Save $10K

Don't get anyone pregnant

Don't die
-Get in shape.
-Continue to make waves in my industry.
-Meet women/have more sex.
-Connect with more alumni.
-Live to see 2015.
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-get my license (CHECK + got my first car
-stay healthy, get my running game up (made a good effort
-learn new programming languages (programming is fun but not for me
-network (CHECK)
-get da WRX

-get closer to finishing my degree

-stay consistent with fitness + play more soccer

-continue to save money

-land an internship
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