OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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  • I Can't Decide

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The procession for @shoeking2102 will be beginning shortly, if you brought any food or drinks, please give them to the deaconess at the door,also don't forget to sign the guest book.
This one is over.

Pathetic showing

You have blake griffin and chris paul and dwight has BEEN out there with two fouls and your rwo beat players not attacking or even trying to score just passing off to teammates?

What a choke job

Paul deserves the slander
There's a difference in missing open shots and taking god awful shots.

All parties should be slandered doe
Your last point is the only one I've been trying to make all series

Folks love to trash Jamal, which is fine, but they seem to ignore that Reddick, Barnes, Rivers have had 3 TERRIBLE games as well including today which would make 4

Jamal is having an up and down game today but he isn't the reason they're losing
i mean yea, they're having bad games too, but they're nobodies, so, no point in wasting breath speaking on them.
Reddick is a nobody? Barnes and Reddick are starters

Crawford is a bench player for a reason. Your same logic should apply to him too

they're nobodies bro. jamal is a monster scorer. always has been. in terms of scoring, which is what we're talking about when we say bad game, on terms of scoring, they're nobodies compared to jamal crawford. scoring is what he does. period. so when he's garbage on that level, he's literally just in the way.
smith with 9 before the half. in 2015. this should not happen, and is a result of momentum. smith got i believe i can fly playing on repeat in his head right now and clips letting him believe it. crawford looks like he just got sent up from d league and is trying to prove he belongs there... but making stupid plays the whole time. even the 3 he made was a TERRIBLE shot

Smith has done this the majority of his Rockets tenure. if people have paid attention to him during that time, people wouldn't be surprised. For the good, I expect Smith to crash the boards, live in the paint, make some very nice passes, and take uncontested 3s, mostly hitting the,. For the bad though, i expect him to miss at least 1/2 FTs overtime, make an ill-advised pass and launch a contested 3 that he should not have taken. It comes with the territory :lol:
CP3 + Redick 3/8 for 6 points and no assists but it's all Jamal's fault.
its pretty hard to get an assist when nobody on the team is making shots. we've seen blown shots of EVERY kind already and we're halfway thru the 2nd. exactly how many assists should cp3 have when nobody is making (or even taking) shots?
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