OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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I love some Barea on the court but....this dude Felton better skip every meal and run miles in sweatsuits, thick Italian type velour sweatsuits and try to lose 12lbs before game 3.

Barea can't do it all.
I love some Barea on the court but....this dude Felton better skip every meal and run miles in sweatsuits, thick Italian type velour sweatsuits and try to lose 12lbs before game 3.

Barea can't do it all.
After not getting minutes all season, the gun charge, his divorce, etc... dude been playing pretty good I remember he had a game winner a week back in Denver (lol) and then blocked Faried to end the game. Devin Harris will be available Friday.
This was my first thought. you can nitpick all you want, but Rondo can't be worse than what Dallas has had since Kidd lol. Also, he's now playing for easily the second best coach in the NBA.

Another minor thing is that Rondo grabs boards. We are horrendous at grabbing defensive boards. When Tyson is not int he game, we were not grabbing rebounds. Wright got bullied around when trying to grab boards, he just wasn't strong enough nor forceful enough.

Rondo is gonna be a good backup for Raymond Felton.

Dog we got Rajon Rondo for Brandan Wright.

Brandan Wright.

Its Christmas man.

how many games have u seen of theirs?

Harris is the best bench player.. Wright and JJ after that, with Aminu close behind..

How can the O get worse adding a player that gets the top shooting team even EASIER shots?

This is a great trade for the Mavs. Gave up nothing to get an all star.

People forget Rick Carisle is a wizard

Anthony Randolph really could come and put up numbers

I've said from the beginning of the season, Mavs are coming out of the west.

Lakers missed out :smh:. Cuban looking like a genius :smokin

Good for the Mavs

Better off having Rondo guard Westbrook rather than the other guards they had

Mavs are the best team in the league (based on start lining up)

Dude a Mavericks fast break tho....

The pick and roll/pop offense tho....

The defense tho....

Oh and the Celtics are idiots because they have no one to run the offense and still have the same deficiencies, and that pick is gonna be a late first rounder so it might as well be a 2nd

Rondo turns the **** up like no other come play off time. Dont sleep.

Thats a steal for rondo

Rondo Dirk Pick n pop too easyyy

Rondo-Monta-Parsons-Dirk-Tyson is a real nice lineup

Boston is going to be so terrible :lol:

Chad Ford:

After Bos-Dal trade today: Celtics in line to have 10, 22 (via Mavs) & 23 (via LAC) picks in the 2015 draft

rondo fits dallas perfectly, he doesnt need to score at all. the west is getting even stronger, they wanna make east a D league conference?
for his size, barea played some good d imo

Hes playing against Prigioni and the JET 

That doesnt count

He basically has to do nothing 
My personal fav.

So, I've had some time to be overly enthusiastic about this trade, and now some time to sit back and reflect on it.

Last year, we started Jose Calderon, Monta Ellis, Shawn Marion, Dirk, and Samuel Dalembert. Now we're going to be starting Rajon Rondo, Monta Ellis, Chandler Parsons, Dirk, and Tyson Chandler.

Since Jason Kidd left, our point guards have been Mike James, Derek Fisher, Darren Collison, Roddy Beaubois, Delonte West, Jose Calderon, and Devin Harris. More than half of those guys aren't even in the League. One of our biggest concerns since we won back in 2011 was stopping PGs. Tony Parker. Russell Westbrook. Steph Curry. Dame Lillard. CP3. These are guys the Mavericks have to play on a nightly basis. Jason Kidd wasn't an all-defensive stopper back in 2011, but he actually was still very good defensively depending on his match-up. Since he left? It's been a drought man.

I saw all the babbling about Rondo being 19323rd in efficiency, I don't give a got damn. :lol: . The guy knows how to run an offense. There have still been lulls in our games where down the stretch we are looking for baskets, but we just go isolation because we panic and don't have very many other opportunities. Either that, or we rely on Monta playing hero-ball, which is great when it works, but if it doesn't, we need something to fall back on. Having Rondo to help facilitate the offense will be a lot easier on every single starter. Jammer wasn't horrible, he just wasn't great. We never finished games with him. Rick had more trust in Devin Harris and JJ Barea because they could be relied on to make the right plays down the stretch. Now I don't expect Harris nor Barea to finish any games. It's our starters, as it should be.

Far too many times in recent Mavericks history, I've seen Dallas guards exposed. Last year in the Playoffs, Jose Calderon actually played pretty well for the most part against the Spurs offensively. He shot 48% from downtown and averaged 10 PPG. Why did he only play 27 MPG? Because he was so goddamn awful on defense against Tony Parker. He looked like a lost duckling out on the court. Step one to eradicate that issue was to sign a big that can defend the rim. Oh, we got back the guy that brought us a title in 2011? Excellent. Step two, is to get a decent PG who can defend. Well, Jameer didn't fit as well as we had hoped. Showed some signs, hit some shots, cool; but not enough.

I don't care if Rajon Rondo scores 2 PPG, 10 PPG, 20 PPG, or however many shots he takes. I have enough trust in his competency that he will make the right plays. He knows his limitations as a basketball player, but in a putrid situation like he was in with Boston, I don't expect his efficiency to be through the roof. I don't expect him to put forth his best efforts defensively every night. If I were having to struggle to beat the 76ers every night, I'd ease off the gas too.

The thing that I like most about Rondo is that he has a fire underneath his *** when he plays. We haven't had that fire from a PG. The same fire that Monta has. The same fire that Tyson plays with. The same fire that Dirk gets in the Playoffs. Rondo is about business, and that's what I like about the guy. As long as he brings it on the court, shows an effort defensively, and helps the offense flow, then I'm cool with how things go.

Our offense is set up so that we can have four to six guys be in double figures. It would've been nice to keep Wright, but I'm not torn apart about it. In the end, he was a bench player. He would always be a bench player with Tyson there. Would it have been awesome to see Rondo toss some lobs to him? Absolutely. But I'm willing to take a hit in our bench in order to really boost our efficiency of our starting lineup.

I'd much rather us take a hit offensively and get better defensively than the alternative. Making plays and getting baskets is important in the Playoffs, but the way our team is structured, we need to have players on the court that can get stops. Having an undersized Jameer Nelson or JJ Barea won't cut it. Devin Harris was our most trusted PG to close out games because he's the closest thing to a two-way PG we had. We'll be seeing just a touch less of JJ and Devin now, but I am completely alright with that, because it's for the benefit of the organization.

This was a move to help prepare us for the post-season. I am all for it. If we have some bumps in the road; whatever. If it doesn't pan out in May and June, then I'll re-evaluate how I feel.

The only thing I'll say is this. People balked when we brought in Tyson Chandler; he's washed up and injury prone. People balked when we brought in Monta Ellis; how are he and Dirk going to work together? Mont is a ball hog. People balked when we brought back Devin Harris; he's old, not quick anymore, and inefficient. Same thing was said about JJ Barea coming back this year. Well you know what? Rick makes talent work well. I have the utmost confidence in my coach and my front office that this can and will work.

Lastly, I can't wait to see what Brandan Wright's PER will be at the end of the year... :lol:
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Barea is pretty terrible, but Carlise has a crush on him.
Still salty about him burning yall in 2011? Barea is a good player, and he took a couple good charges last night.

That mass quote lmao glad I wasn't on board with that 
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