I wanna change up RB's but I'm so nervous
right now I'm starting D.Murray and Gore
benched I have Jeremy Hill and Giovani Bernard

I'm starting the right people right?
Anxious to see Rawls go tomorrow. Right now I have Riddick in at flex over Sims. Wish I can play them both but I can't not start J Stewart as my RB2.
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Been saying the same thing bruh but it's falling on deaf ears :lol:

Most of the trades I'm seeing are lateral and non beneficial but to each their own...
Yea some of the trades I see here it like they're trading just for the sake of making a trade lol. Doesn't surprise me tho everyone thinks they r gm on nt
I've seen quite a few attempts.
I tried to get AP, see if the AP owners were freaking out but not yet.

I actually just accepted a trade..A.cooper for A.P...While I don't feel overly excited about it because I felt Cooper had Top 5 WR potential I'm kinda at ease because I went WR heavy and I'm loaded there with:

A.J green
Standard league 10 team I need a TE since Groningen may not play who would you guys drop?

Matt Jones
Tevin Coleman
Theo Riddick
If this dude is willing to do my Gore and Josh Gordon for his Melvin Gordon and Sterling Shepard would I be crazy to say no? 0.5 PPR.
Lmfao what??
You better f-cking take that.

Yeah I'm gonna take it if he accepts, I'm waiting on him now. I just know that everyone in our league is going to flip **** and act like I paid him off or something when they see that I did the trade. They'd probably call eachother up and try to get it vetoed.
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That's not that good of a deal

Everyone hates Melvin Gordon even the pros. Other than two lucky TDs he didn't even play :lol: let's see this week but all I'm seeing and hearing is woodhead and not a peep about Gordon

Gore is meh too

Josh is a question mark since he's suspended and hasn't even played in basically 2 years but Shepard looks good, should have a good game Sunday
So my girl spent the day at my place and I'm taking her back and not even thinking about the events that had taken place an hour or two prior I said " yo getting AB was the highlight of my day"

:smh: Been paying for it for 3 days

She just doesn't understand how nice my lineup is looking right now
Someone dropped martellus Bennett and I'm a gronk owner...should I get him and drop jesse james

Honestly I wouldn't. He might have some games where he has a TD but for the most part it looked like they're gonna use him primarily as a blocker
I'd honestly say Shepard. That Saints secondary is straight toast and they're gonna try to focus their attention on Beckham.
I was leaning Shepard...but I'm a Giants fan so had to ask :lol:

Other WRs starting are Hopkins and Evans

Other RBs are Woodhead and Ingram.
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