Going up against Kap and Ayaji and Moncrief

Thank God Julio and Gore stepping up, Marvin Jones and Hilton silent today

Mariota having himself a decent game too, no more turnovers please Marcus!
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Just need a lil more Ty Montgomery and a TD would be nice.

That should set me up enough for a manageable come back with Booker and CMike
I want my brother to win, I need a Murray TD and a rivers rushing or atleast a throw

Dude went against bum *** team
No one picked up Chargers Def in my league.... man some good football being played today!

Can't wait for the Raiders and Broncos game!
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Here I was thinking I was going to cruise to a win, but TDs by my opponent with Rodgers, Murray and Adams has closed the gap to 3 points, I got Amari tonight he has C. Michael tomorrow, this would be a devastating loss considering I'd go from 6th to 3rd with a win. 
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