My opponent benched Zeke for Hyde and also put in Michael Floyd last minute.

I was :smile: before the games started .. i see NE just put Floyd in, boy i swear if he gets a garbage TD im gon be >:
I told myself im not checkin the score until tonights games ..

But i see Ajayi 1TD, Thielen goin off, Gates 1TD ... i know im down at least 40 right there

Only players i got goin are Ty and Rudolph and they aint doin s***
I knew i shouldnt have trusted frkn Olsen and trash *** Carolina.

Cameron Brate was screamin my name to be added and i ignored him :smh:
Sick I took out Hightower for farrow at the last second.. bout to cost me $800 smfh :smh:
Falcons playing conservative right now and inman isn't doing ANYTHING. Was up 24 now. Projected to lose by 10. Jesus.
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