Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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thats what im saying.

like i had no choice, my mom moved 24 times (me and my sister counted when she was 12, i was 15 years old)

she moved 24 times between hialeah, opa locka and liberty city growing up........

we never had a room, we barely kept anything for more than a few months, for some ducks to get online and start glorifying the hood?

ive legit broken up with girls over this ****. the glorifying / wanting to live your favorite rappers lyrics..... im not responding to it after this though.
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i think NT just thinks hes 2nd overall pick, going into his 3rd season and hasnt exactly been a bust.......i like d'angelos game.

russell going to average 22/5/5 watch 

russell westbrook yall ****** trippin .gif 
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There's plenty of people out there who think Russell still has a chance to be pretty good.  If anything NT skews way more on the side of hating him than the general standard.
2 years ago he was the center piece of the Lakers franchise rebuild and now he's trash, man I hate to see what folks gonna be saying about Ingram in here next May
2 years ago he was the center piece of the Lakers franchise rebuild and now he's trash, man I hate to see what folks gonna be saying about Ingram in here next May
Or Paul george if he actually comes.  They are going to give him the Pau Gasol treatment.
the lakers fanbase is ******ed. there is nothing else to say.
You should have seen the thread yesterday.  Everyone was ******* celebrating like we just won a ship.  That trade was beyond comprehension.

Now they are going to turn around and give up half their remaining assets for Paul George and continue to be a 30 win team but with no picks this time.

Officially the Knicks of the West.
What I've learned about players in the league based on what my friends in the L have told me and what I've noticed after talking to some of these dudes, some of these ****** really ain't built to be a baller fam. Mentally its tough to remain disciplined and work on your craft as much as possible. I've mentioned before in here how you guys would be surprised how many NBA players get ****** up on the reg or don't work out as much as they should. 

I don't think D Lo was built a savage and Magic probably recognized that. He's still a solid player though.
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Wow, Dlo is trash like THAT!? Very Knickish of the lake show :frown: :lol: "damn homie, 2years ago you was the man homie" This is a perfect example of why I laugh at teams tanking just to get any old lottery pick. Half of this years draft class will be busted and traded in 2 years...
DLO is not trash.

oldhead talk tbh....the whole "hes not hungry" or whatever.

naaa, the guy made it to the nba and has averaged decent numbers for a rookie/2nd year player by mistake, he was just messing around..... 

image+perception is everything ive noticed....if he "looked" diff it'd be a different story, but notice that half of the disses about him are calling him a snitch or about his catscratches on his eyebrows.
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There's a lot of examples out there of PGs who took 3 years to develop into true starters.  Seems kinda early to ditch him considering he came in at 19.

Then again he might just suck.  Definitely not ruling that out.
but.....but hes never sucked?????

like the dude is 21 and has good averages........where are you guys getting this from? eye test? 
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