Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Danny Ainge this offseason:

View media item 2482883


video here. The Atlanta Hawks about to undergo the 2nd biggest arena renovation; Killer Mike's swag shop with a court view get a haircut and clothes, a bar where you can see the court, a club on the floor; I just hope people start going to the games.

To see Bazemore, Schroeder and Plumlee

I would go to see opposing teams then, and depending on how much that bar/club and topgolf jumps off, I guess you could meet women there and people in general, looks like a good time. I'm sure there will be screens with other games playing.
I like what the Hawks are doing with the renovations. Going out of their way to distract you from the fact that you're at a hawks game
Ainge might have hit another jaylen brown type pick

And dude traded for Jeff green.. he does like those type of players

But considering the guys they were supposed to go after and the guys they have, not sure I get their draft pick
Confirmation CP3 still isn't getting past the 2nd round :nerd:. jk

Ain't no jk, it's the truth. CP3 had decent squads in LA, and every year just barely scratching the surface come the playoffs. After Harden's Houdini act, I'm giving them one year to mesh and see what's what or either it's going to be the same post season stuff it's always been. Quick exits and disappointments.
The league is starving for wing players and Boston has a surplus.

Perfect time for them to make moves.. cause they going have to decide to pay guys soonish

I would have kept 1 and draft fultz.. then used jaylen brown in a package for PG or Jimmy

Throw a crap ton of money at Gordon Hayward

Then I'm trying move 2 out of 3 of the PGs previously on the roster, see how serious Isaiah is about taking that discount

Wonder if he'll go back to GS. Never forget the ownership was split on trading him or steph.
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@mr_jasonjones The more people I speak with, Zach Randolph to the Kings sounds more and more unlikely. Cleveland very interested in Randolph
I'm not sure what the Cavs are doing if this is real.
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