Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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**** George Hill and his slim shady wanna be self.
He can rot in Sacramento for all I care. Hope he enjoys riding the bench most of the year and tipping cows. :smh:

sorry rck. :\
1. Why not draft Monk over Jackson/Giles if you wanted Hill?
2. Why did Minny choose Teague over Hill?
So does Hill you would think no?
Right which is why like I said I don't get it from the Kings perspective.

You have Buddy and De'Aaron Fox, if you wanted a vet you could have found a cheaper alternative than Hill who's going to start I'd assume.
They trying to win this season and a 19 year old pg doesn't really help them.
Win this season? Why? I thought they committed to the youth movement
Z-Bo ain't playing 30 mins a game and I'm guessing they want to groom Fox before he gets thrown into the fire. Plus Hill and Randolph are good vets to have around. I swear folks just want to hate on the Kings :rolleyes
I like the hill signing. It's just 3 years. Get them some veteran presence and teach fox to be a pro. 3 years was the key. Any team option for the third year? I doubt it but curious.
Who else wanted z bo for that money is the real question. Z bo won.

Kings don't have their pick next year, correct?
Z-Bo ain't playing 30 mins a game and I'm guessing they want to groom Fox before he gets thrown into the fire. Plus Hill and Randolph are good vets to have around. I swear folks just want to hate on the Kings
You can groom fox w/o spending 57 Million dollars on a player. This potentially puts the kings at like 90Ms devoted to their roster next summer
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