Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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At the end of the day he ain't on that level. Ain't no top 10 all time great hiding on defense his whole career. Goat shooter but if ya'll want him with Lebron or Kobe tell that boy play some defense.

And if "defense don't matter for PG's" then keep him with the lil dudes.

How do you feel about Iverson?
KD gets to ride on one of the greatest teams ever and now his peak is greater than Kobe's and he's better than Bron... I resent that as a numbers guy and Bron hater
I don't wanna drudge up 6+pages just for my response, but I will say, speaking from a Japanese knowledge only, that it is NOT just Asia that further solidifies the "beta/alpha" male personality dynamic. It has certainly dug it's claws into Western cultures as well through various sorts of media (film, lit, tv, etc.) however, Asian/Japanese culture tend to put more stock into being honorable ( this is certainly an arguable concept of what is and is not), passive/submissive, and quiet. This is male AND female as they are still a very patriarchal society with very intricate matriarchal sub-routines/practices.

Western media and the little coverage that we give Eastern cultures that are not further than India, have furthered the idea that Asian men are this "beta"stereotype when in fact in some cultures that could not be further from the truth. What really has resulted in the low birthrates/marriage/dating numbers is not only economic unrest, but the introduction of Western ideas such as Feminism, Workplace/Wage equality, the more "me first" Western mentality that is shunning and tossing aside the traditional cultural standard of family focused care and prosperity, along with the influx of actual non-native residents themselves.

posters here have stated themselves they are finding these mediated interpretations corny or offensive (with every right to) as they are concretizing those negative stereotypes.
I don't wanna drudge up 6+pages just for my response, but I will say, speaking from a Japanese knowledge only, that it is NOT just Asia that further solidifies the "beta/alpha" male personality dynamic. It has certainly dug it's claws into Western cultures as well through various sorts of media (film, lit, tv, etc.) however, Asian/Japanese culture tend to put more stock into being honorable ( this is certainly an arguable concept of what is and is not), passive/submissive, and quiet. This is male AND female as they are still a very patriarchal society with very intricate matriarchal sub-routines/practices.

Western media and the little coverage that we give Eastern cultures that are not further than India, have furthered the idea that Asian men are this "beta"stereotype when in fact in some cultures that could not be further from the truth. What really has resulted in the low birthrates/marriage/dating numbers is not only economic unrest, but the introduction of Western ideas such as Feminism, Workplace/Wage equality, the more "me first" Western mentality that is shunning and tossing aside the traditional cultural standard of family focused care and prosperity, along with the influx of actual non-native residents themselves.

posters here have stated themselves they are finding these mediated interpretations corny or offensive (with every right to) as they are concretizing those negative stereotypes.

Huh bruh?
Curry>>>Iverson. And I love A.I.

Not even close though.
At what?

I don't disagree... completely. Meaning I agree to some extent and disagree to some extent.

For you, Cheph Steph trumps Answer in what way?
Curry>>>Iverson. And I love A.I.

Not even close though.

AI is my favorite player of all time. That's my dawg. But "We" be overrating him. Go to a black cookout and say Steph is better than gon get fried lol. But it's really not even close.

At the end of the day he ain't on that level. Ain't no top 10 all time great hiding on defense his whole career. Goat shooter but if ya'll want him with Lebron or Kobe tell that boy play some defense.

And if "defense don't matter for PG's" then keep him with the lil dudes.

Magic Johnson is one of the top 3-5 players to ever play basketball. He was considered a bad denfeder.

Steph Curry doesn't "hide" on defense. He just has the luxury of playing with longer, better defenders than him. He's an above average to good on ball defender. HELL of a team defender.

N*****s saw saw the Cavs run screens to get Steph Curry to guard 6'9 260lbs LeBron James....and concluded he's a "bad defender" that "hides on defense" because he couldn't stick Bron lmao.

When it's all said and done....Steph Curry will be in that top 10 player of all time combo. Weather you like it or not. Dude is already the 2nd greatest PG to ever play basketball. And he's 28 and got a late start.
I guess Lebron wasn't "hiding" on defense when he was chasing Rafer Alston around while Rashard Lewis and Hedo bombed away on the Cavs back in 09.

Or I guess he wasn't "hiding" on defense when he was guarding Jason Terry (still lit his *** up) while Dirk killed the Heat in 2011.

Exactly. Or was Kobe "hiding on defense" when Ron Artest was guarding Kevin Durant in 2010....and he "guarding" Thabo Sefalosha :nerd:
AI is my favorite player of all time. That's my dawg. But "We" be overrating him. Go to a black cookout and say Steph is better than gon get fried lol. But it's really not even close.

Magic Johnson is one of the top 3-5 players to ever play basketball. He was nevertheless considered a bad denfeder.

Steph Curry doesn't "hide" on defense. He just has the luxury of playing with longer, better defenders than him. He's an above average to good on ball defender. HELL of a team defender.

N*****s saw saw the Cavs run screens to get Steph Curry to guard 6'9 260lbs LeBron James....and concluded he's a "bad defender" that "hides on defense" because he couldn't stick Bron lmao.

When it's all said and done....Steph Curry will be in that top 10 player of all time combo. Weather you like it or not. Dude is already the 2nd greatest PG to ever play basketball. And he's 28 and got a late start.

We done already went down the Magic road bruh. Steph ain't as great of a PG as Magic or rebounding.

Maybe he'll be top 10 all time in hearts of some of ya'll NT'ers.
Allen Iverson is one of the most over rated players ever. He's brought up too frequently in the upper echelon of players discussion.
As a player he might be slightly overrated, but AI changed the culture of the NBA and basketball in general during his time.

Not many scorers (especially at his size) can do what he did and carry a team like that all the way to the finals though.
I think my favroite thing was when Curry went from:

-bad defender
-not that bad of a defender
-underrated defender
-elite defender

All over the course of a season lol. Then he got cooked in the finals so of course people were gonna make fun of it. People couldn't just leave it at "he's not a bad defender." That doofus BBALLBREAKDOWN dude said he was elite and everyone just ran with it :lol:
Exactly. Or was Kobe "hiding on defense" when Ron Artest was guarding Kevin Durant in 2010....and he "guarding" Thabo Sefalosha :nerd:

And what ya'll ignore is Lebron has checked the best player many times in Cleveland and Miami.

And matter fact, Kobe was hiding in 2010. Kobe was also ALWAYS guarding the best player from 2000-08.

Steph never did any of that. He was picked on and punked when he guarded the best player.
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