Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Warriors are due an injury so maybe the west levels out this year.

Curry got hurt in 2016 to allow LeBron to win one for the land. Karma already evened all that **** out.

And are we really talking about Curry's defense like it is 2017 nba finals LeBron bad? He isn't giving up 60% field goal percentages to people his is guarding
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dont see anyone being unreasonable tho.

by the stats curry made players better then everyone this year and it wasnt close.
curry has led the L in overrall plus minus since 2013 iirc
curry has 2 mvp and he is the first unanimous mvp ever and had one of the best 3 seasons a player in the history of the league has ever had.

all i see is , no finals mvp. when mr kobe bryant has 7 finals trips and only has two.
and defense when the valid point that defense isnt really important for the smallest position on the court , no counter arguments are made.
whens the last time you heard someone say they were led by the defense of ____(insert any point guard) . it literally doesnt happen
i see no valid arguments backed up by any data that curry isnt as good as portrayed. if anything he is better then he is perceived to be by the casual fan. who thinks , curry chokes in every finals. hes a garbage defender etc etc.
you better then that.

Using that "defense doesn't matter" **** would make sense if we was comparing him to Russ or Dame or Kyrie. When comparing him to Lebron or Kobe it definitely matters. We must look at basketball different.

And if you comparing him to Magic, Magic controlled games with his passing, scoring and rebounding. Steph does with one.

I know NT loves Steph to death but ain't on that level.
i see no signs of slowing down.
team is young and entering their prime years
the biggest hurdle is probably financial, but it seems like guys are willing to sacrifice a little for one another so they can keep the core in tact
this could be the greatest stretch of basketball dominance as far as reg/post season
Using that "defense doesn't matter" **** would make sense if we was comparing him to Russ or Dame or Kyrie. When comparing him to Lebron or Kobe it definitely matters. We must look at basketball different.

Player A

Defensive Rating (Points allowed per 100 possessions) - 100.9. Defensive FG% - 53.3

Player B

Defensive Rating - 107.1 Defensive FG% - 53.2
i see no signs of slowing down.
team is young and entering their prime years
the biggest hurdle is probably financial, but it seems like guys are willing to sacrifice a little for one another so they can keep the core in tact
this could be the greatest stretch of basketball dominance as far as reg/post season
Steph got baby ankles tho
yeah man why cant a 6 foot 3 pg grab rebounds like the 6 foot 9 goat point guard of all time.
curry passing is elite. he also leads the league in hockey assist for a few years in a row. last year steph averaged 2.4 secondary assist per game. next closest was harden at 1.9 and cp3 at 1.5 iirc.
the steph is just a scorer needs to stop. its 2017. we past that.
Steph is already the greatest scorer of all time. Only way to stop him is say you'll donate $10,000 to charity for every 3 he makes.
hahaha its funny because its true. Curry hates charity lmaoooooo.

Team #Igetpaidfordis
Team #helpyourselfb
'We'll donate for every make' Team #nah
yeah man why cant a 6 foot 3 pg grab rebounds like the 6 foot 9 goat point guard of all time.
curry passing is elite. he also leads the league in hockey assist for a few years in a row. last year steph averaged 2.4 secondary assist per game. next closest was harden at 1.9 and cp3 at 1.5 iirc.
the steph is just a scorer needs to stop. its 2017. we past that.

So why did you bring up Magic? :lol: Don't moonwalk now.

Like I keep saying you can't compare Steph to these other dudes.

My issue is your narrative of Steph just being a scorer. He is quite obviously more.

Yeah for one series.
He was great. He did that for one series in his career. Magic did that **** in his sleep. Next.

"One series" can't be serious with that lol. Even if you say "one finals series"'d still be wrong lol.

Dude averaged 26/6/5 in 2015. Put up great numbers in the games they won.....2016 was Steph's LeBron 2011 Finals against Dallas. It happens
So why did you bring up Magic? :lol: Don't moonwalk now.

Like I keep saying you can't compare Steph to these other dudes.

Yeah for one series.
more way to control games then getting triple doubles. curry controls game. you said hes just a scorer. last year curry made everyone better then lebron , thats backed up by data not just opinion and feelings. when it comes to controlling an offense and opening it up , curry had no equal in 2017. hes the catalyst behind arguably the greatest offense ever assembled and that was before kd even put on a warriors uniform.

after how dude balled this year and his bounce and speed, how anyone can argue that he wasnt hurt last finals is laughable.

They always bring up the 'buh buh buh wuh bout i'm byke i'm her??!?! huhhhh???' Like bruh, you can be byke and her and still hurting. Adrenaline is a powerful drug.

Dude cooked every single cavs player in the finals this year. Bron was dancing multiple times and never got a single block on him this yr.

Curry caught so many bodies this playoff run. :sick: filthy revenge tour.
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