Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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Wouldn't shock me if the only move we make is bullpen help. It's a mess.

Anderson and Bolsinger have been manageable.

Can we get any of the ACES without trading Seager or Urias?

Hamels makes the most sense since it looks like Greinke is as good as gone after this year :frown:
LA local but haven't kept up with the dodgers a ton since this whole TWC fiasco. starting to get distanced from the team since i cant watch em on tv, but anyway, why is greinke as good as gone? seemed like he loved it in LA and our fans love him also. is it a money thing?
He's going to opt out for a longer deal but I doubt he leaves. He's in a great spot and really benefits from being Kershaw's sidekick.
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Be careful how many years you extend him for. Yes the dodgers have deep pockets, but you don't wanna just sign guys because you're the only team that can afford them. 5+ years at 25-30 mil person season is a big risk for any player, but even more for a pitcher imo
Woke up today to ESPN alert here on the east coast saying that we've made it known Puig is available.

I know he hasn't been great this year, but I think it's way too early to give up on him personally. Hope it's just smoke and mirrors.
Woke up today to ESPN alert here on the east coast saying that we've made it known Puig is available.

I know he hasn't been great this year, but I think it's way too early to give up on him personally. Hope it's just smoke and mirrors.
Yeah, USA Today report says Puig could be acquired in "the right deal" ... and Dodgers beat writer said Puig hasn't been told he would not be traded.  Report goes on to say that the top prospects are more asked about than Puig is.

Side note: Rosenthal reported last night saying Guerrero has been floated out there for pitching and that Guerrero has said he'd waive his right to FA for more money (lol).

Sounds like a whole lot of nothin to me
They'd only trade Puig if they got like Syndergaard. Someone young with plenty of team control. Puig is signed to a very team friendly deal so it's pointless to deal him for a rental or overpriced player.
They'd only trade Puig if they got like Syndergaard. Someone young with plenty of team control. Puig is signed to a very team friendly deal so it's pointless to deal him for a rental or overpriced player.
That's also what I was thinking.

Would love to package Guerrero in a David Price deal so he could DH for Tigers, but I know that's unlikely.
I hope dodgers arent strictly focused on dealing for hamels.

Guys like clippard / papelbon off the market.

Our bullpen is truly buns.
I hope dodgers arent strictly focused on dealing for hamels.

Guys like clippard / papelbon off the market.

Our bullpen is truly buns.

Taking hamels without giving up much went out the boat now that papelbon got dealt. Trade scenarios were centered around unloading papelbon in a deal along with hamels...
Joc will be fine. Not gonna get anything from him for the rest of this year tho.He's hit a wall. Didn't Puig do the same thing his first full year?
yeah, joc will be really good though.

i expect him to be dropped in the order, July has been an awful month for the kid.

looks like we got latos and morse? Eh about the trade, latos is a backend starter if that and morse will probably be flipped.

give me more.
So we have 3 first rounders next years maybe more if Howie and Zack leave the draft is supposedly good next year.

I think we end up with Price.
Kershaw scratched tonight. Pitching Friday instead. I'd rather he face that Fake LA squad anyways :smokin

And Joc batting 7th now. Rollins new leadoff :nerd:
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