Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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you missed a lot, this thread goes back like 4-5 years go take a gander.

but i just call him that cause he does all that dirty work even when it was vs the dodgers.

Ahhh, you mean the slide against the Mets...

unfortunately jp fell off towards the second half of the season and didnt even see the mound.

he got replaced by a rookie (grant) and that was the end of him.
Mexico vs Italy

Full of Dodgers and former Dodgers.

A Gon
Luis Cruz!
Good stuff
I will be watching opening day on TV :lol:
I will be at Dodger Stadium for Jackie Robinson day though :pimp:
i expect toles to win LF
SVS to kick rocks
Segadin making the roster
Mccarthy will not last
Yeah Toles has been ballin, I don't see where SVS will fit especially once Trayce is fully healthy and back in groove of things. I'm just hoping for decent luck with health this season.
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