Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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tbh the only reason joc on the squad cus of his glove, hes mendoza line level.

nothing at 1B either, looks like cody could be playing OF too.

but cody era happening!
Seager is deceivingly strong, that blast to center in SF is really impressive. About time this team starts scoring with RISP.
I still think Romo is servicesble. Baez literally has strikeout or homerun stuff. I mean damn, Morse was a damn broadcaster last year...
Romo is who the giants  thought he was

Yall didn't learn after taking Brian Wilson from us?
wilson gave us one good year man
Wilson, n Lincecum, were the only Giants players i liked kuz their personalities...everyone else, **** em :lol:

So whats the consensus on this team so far? Im still pissed theres no tv deal, but i try to keep up every now n then. Im honestly just waiting for the eventual heartbreak tho
Wilson, n Lincecum, were the only Giants players i liked kuz their personalities...everyone else, **** em :lol:

So whats the consensus on this team so far? Im still pissed theres no tv deal, but i try to keep up every now n then. Im honestly just waiting for the eventual heartbreak tho

So far we have been inconsistent and mediocre.
It's only been less than a month though so I have faith Dave can right the ship back in place.
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