Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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I doubt it's serious, a lot of teams are manipulating the 10-day DLs this season.
Utley is whatever but I'm sad that we've arrived at this point of A-Gon's career. The dropoff was bound to happen, but the man has meant so much for LA since that trade from Boston.

Seeing Kemp go was rough for me, A-Gon going might be similar.
That could mean continued playing time at second base for the struggling Chase Utley, who is hitting just .104/.204/.125 through his first 54 plate appearances.

:x :x
Joc byke and Cody at 1B tonite. A-Gon to DL.

Just need Logan back and our lineup for the future is set :smokin
Such a bittersweet feeling rooting for Bellinger. Hope the kid does great but wish it didn't mean my favorite player (A-Gon) being phased out.
Such a bittersweet feeling rooting for Bellinger. Hope the kid does great but wish it didn't mean my favorite player (A-Gon) being phased out.

really? even agon went up to dave and asked him to be put on the DL so cody didnt have to be sent down #respect

man umps strike zone has beeeeen all over the damn place
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