Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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I have no words
We have lost in every way possible the past two weeks
And somehow we still have a 11.5 game lead in the division

Doc better figure out how to manage this team, he hasn't done a good job recently
How much do they need to see? How much longer before all these L's start affecting the clubhouse's psyche?

I still think this team will win the World Series so I won't panic. The retweets next month from October will be gold if/when they win.
Offense has been sluggish but we really haven't had our main lineup since the Detroit series so no need to panic yet.

Bullpen is a mess though. Back to having 1 reliable reliever.

Can Kenta stop the bleeding? :smh: Might go tomorrow for the bobblehead and see Buehler debut,hopefully :smokin
Bullpen is a mess though. Back to having 1 reliable reliever
Technically, we already have three reliable guys (Morrow, Watson, Jansen)

Problem is Doc has a hard on for Baez
Baez has literally cost us two games in this month already
I'm going to make a prediction
We will probably lose tomorrow

Then we start winning again when Cody and Corey gets paired back up in the lineup in the Colorado series

Joc byke :nerd:
wild pitches
stolen bases
outfielders losing the ball
giving doubles to a damn pitcher

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