Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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I don’t wanna see Yaz or Belli starting tomorrow. No plan at the plate at all just going up swinging and praying.
Can’t even blame Dave for going with splits, but Joc, Muncy, and Belly going 0 for 10 with 4 Ks. Absolutely pathetic and terrible. Have to be optimistic and lie to myself about this being a burner year with the FO wanting to stay under the luxury tax bracket. Not mad with letting go of minor league pieces to get Machado to get here, but the holes are glaring now.

Watch this damn team come back tomorrow and score like 8 runs and have us running back with hope hahaha!
They gotta find a way to get Freese up there for some at bats in those late game situations.

Bellinger shouldn’t be starting, they might as well put CT out there.
Barnes should be the starter the rest of the series.
Belli should be benched for CT.
Find a way to get Freese at bats, especially In late game situations. I probably would have put him at bat instead of Dozier.
Gio pitching tonight, so the Dodgers' righty lineup should be expected. I'd actually be happy to see more of CT and Matty for a change.
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