Official 2018 NBA Preseason Thread - Jimmy Butler Does Things

Where will LeBron end up?

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Dudes definitely big up Duncan to either throw shots at Kobe or because they think it makes them seem more knowledgeable since he isn’t as popular as other superstars
Basically guys who are fans of second tier teams with no superstars that don’t want to be fans of actual stars like lebron, kd and Kobe. Duncan is basically the none of the above option of “who is your favourite star player”.
Caption This:

“From :emoji_goat: 2:emoji_goat:



“We handed him 5 Finals losses”

Basically guys who are fans of second tier teams with no superstars that don’t want to be fans of actual stars like lebron, kd and Kobe. Duncan is basically the none of the above option of “who is your favourite star player”.
This is true in a way but most people aren’t even really fans of him. They just use Duncan to belittle Kobe, Shaq, and Bron.
This is true in a way but most people aren’t even really fans of him. They just use Duncan to belittle Kobe, Shaq, and Bron.
A lot of people don’t want to be kobe/lebron fans because they don’t want to be seen with and associated with the crazy fan bases of those players. So TD is a safe pick because he doesn’t have any real fans to give him a bad rep.
Did you see his post of Duncan’s accolades?
His career is on par with anyone since Jordan.

He doesn’t have Stans? Who cares. Kareem doesn’t either.
Never said his career wasn’t lol...
My point was that it seems that people can never praise Duncan without throwing shots at more popular players.
Never said his career wasn’t lol...
My point was that it seems that people can never praise Duncan without throwing shots at more popular players.

But you can’t let someone praise a player without assuming someone is slandering lebron

“Duncan is the best player since MJ”

“The only people who say that do it to diminish lebron”
Duncan wasn't even the best player of his own era let alone MJ. He's 3rd at best maybe 4th with Bron.
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