Official 2019 NYK offseason thread. Brooklyn knick fans check in

Frank plays bad: "Frank sucks!"
Frank puts in effort to improve: "Who cares!"

What are you even saying man
I’m saying he’s not NBA material, he doesn’t have the instinct or Mentality and no matter how much practicing he does it will not change. It doesn’t matter how good he is on D his negatives in every other aspect of the game outweigh his 1 positive.
Good on him that he wants to get better I applaud his drive and determination but the NBA is not for him.

It’s like some of you want to give him a participation trophy because he’s not good enough to actually play in the League.
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Who cares if he practices 20 hrs a day! He doesn’t have the instinct and practicing doesn’t help you with that.

I understand he sucks right now, but do you honestly believe that? Everything comes from the work you put in outside of games. Constant repetition is the path to progression. Him noticing that he sucks and actually putting in extra time is what you'd want to see after a slump.
Harsh, but I agree the things Frank needs fixed aren't gonna be fixed in practice. Maybe he's homesick and depressed or something.

I understand he sucks right now, but do you honestly believe that? Everything comes from the work you put in outside of games. Constant repetition is the path to progression. Him noticing that he sucks and actually putting in extra time is what you'd want to see after a slump.

yeah, but practice is useless if you're still too scared on the court. that's like having a class project that you put hours into, but you freeze when its time to present. Frank would've greatly benefited from the AAU circuit or at least 1 year of college ball. he's not ready for NBA level mentalities.
How he plays against Atlanta tomorrow will tell us all we need to know about Frank.

He's gotta show some pride and passion by playing aggressively against another lottey bound team.
i don’t think it’s psychological, his “good games” were really just his usual self w a few extra made jump shots. He doesn’t rly have any ability to drive or create, and i don’t think he ever will, he’s too slow. His “aggressive” games are really just taking a few more turnaround or pull up jumpers over shorter players, that’s basically his only move.

But he’s here and I’m rooting for him. He has decent jump shot form and if he can just be a consistent shooter who can go 3/7 w 2-3 assists and good defense every night he can be a rotation player. I think he can do it too, will just take him time to get to that level. Have to stop thinking of him as a franchise player and more like a Roberson or Tony Allen, best case, otherwise we’ll just continue to be disappointed.
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