Who will win the inaugural COVID Invitational Jamboree?

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I still cant believe some thought the Heat had any chance to win it with or without injuries. People get so caught up in the hype. instead of just giving credit where its due, they rather sound silly and cant see past the hate. I sad a few pages back I said this was Lakers vs Nets in 02 and Lakers vs Magic 09 all over again in how lopsided this series would be.

The Heat just like the Blazers were on a hot little streak that eventually always comes to a quick end and not as good as they seem but the media makes it seem like they are some unbeatable juggernauts. As soon as someone puts a little pressure or defense on them they fold. Instead of the narrative being how do you stop Bron, AD and this Lakers team its , how will the Lakers contain Herro and Bam and people eat it up. :rofl:
Man my team 3 games from winning it all i ain't worried about hypotheticals of Luka & AD w/o a jumpshot

Huh? You weren’t talking about this current Lakers team though, you were mentioning a hypothetical future one with AD + future generational star lol
Lakers had struck out on every superstar prior to Bron signing.
No Bron, no AD.
And let me extend further.....without Magic's vision for the Lakers that he planted in Bron's head during his late night recruitment meeting with Bron, who knows if Bron signs with LAL
I feel bad for the people that are more passionate about the things they dislike over the things they like when it comes to trivial things like sports

I think a lot of people don’t have a lot going on in their lives or are just generally unhappy people so they have to flip the hater switch to max, whether they’re hating on the Lakers success rn or they’re Lakers fans hating on others for whatever reason.. I like to think most sports fans aren’t in this boat though, just the dumb/obnoxious ones who feel the need to act immature for whatever reason... The exact same thing is happening in football with the Chiefs rn.
You have to remember, under the current rules, the Warriors would get A LOT more calls in this scenario. Also, the Warriors pace is significantly better than the Bulls, especially in transition. You’re right that in many ways that they’re an evolution of those Bulls and Spurs teams. You have to remember the Warriors biggest strength was sheer ball movement that took advantage of their immense talent, it made defending then extremely difficult since KD and Steph are two of the best shooters of the past few decades [Steph might go down as the best shooter of all time, when all is said and done]. Hell, the 2018 Rockets were focused on essentially beating the Warriors by outshooting them by 3s and getting to the line more than the Warriors (and they almost accomplished this). I don’t even know if the Bulls could shoot any non-minor amount of volume 3s in transition. Under the 90s rules though, the Bulls would be able to easily out-defend the Warriors, especially in the paint and in the post since they’re a far more physical team, as you mentioned.

interestingly, I watched this documentary about Big Men which somehow answers the question about the games being played today which pretty much makes sense. it's the "decline of the big man in the NBA". it pretty much answers the question of why the game today has evolved but not necessarily better and somehow also devolved. anyhow, other than Klay, Steph and Durant, who else can consistently shoot the 3 ball higher than 30%. the current rules wouldn't protect Steph from Harper, Klay from Jordan or Durant from Pippen. remember that all teams can employ such as strategy as well. chemistry plays a major part as well in such as success. if we nullify both teams employing the same strategy in the game, you have to ask yourself which team asset would reign over the other. the current rules doesn't protect the 3 point shooters, unless the rules consistently allows Harden's multiple steps.
interestingly, I watched this documentary about Big Men which somehow answers the question about the games being played today which pretty much makes sense. it's the "decline of the big man in the NBA". it pretty much answers the question of why the game today has evolved but not necessarily better and somehow also devolved. anyhow, other than Klay, Steph and Durant, who else can consistently shoot the 3 ball higher than 30%. the current rules wouldn't protect Steph from Harper, Klay from Jordan or Durant from Pippen. remember that all teams can employ such as strategy as well. chemistry plays a major part as well in such as success. if we nullify both teams employing the same strategy in the game, you have to ask yourself which team asset would reign over the other. the current rules doesn't protect the 3 point shooters, unless the rules consistently allows Harden's multiple steps.

Yep, and the gather step is frequently used in the modern era.

How would that Bulls team adapt to pacing and transition defense when shooters have move out to the perimeter? Phil didn’t run a zone where it could easily adapt to that. I’m not saying that they couldn’t over the course of a series but the fact that Pop had trouble defending that team with a great defense makes me wonder if Phil could adapt with a 90s Bulls team, especially with players playing at a slower pace essentially their entire careers up to that point. No doubt in my mind that MJ was the best player ever and at his peak but running a slower, triangle offense would have team implications if facing the best team in a modern system.
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