I had to switch bank accounts since I got the first stimulus check, damn I gotta wait for that paper check in the mail now?
McConnell suggests Senate may consider $2,000 stimulus checks, along with voter security and tech protections.

Senator Mitch McConnell’s decision to link together all of President Trump’s demands could doom any chance of passage.Credit...Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, on Tuesday sidestepped a push to increase stimulus checks to $2,000, saying instead that the Senate would “begin a process” to consider bigger payments, along with two of President Trump’s other demands: protecting election security and removing some legal protections for technology companies.

Mr. McConnell did not elaborate further on how exactly the Senate would move to consider Mr. Trump’s demands, which the president made on Sunday after finally agreeing to sign a $900 billion stimulus package and government spending bill into law. Mr. Trump had held the package hostage for days, insisting that lawmakers triple the direct payments to $2,000 from $600, remove a legal shield for companies like YouTube and Facebook and investigate ”very substantial voter fraud.”

The president relented only after Republican lawmakers persuaded him to sign the legislation, saying on Sunday that he had been promised Congress would take up his demands.

Mr. McConnell’s remarks came as a growing number of Republican senators voiced support for the larger checks, and as pressure mounted on the Senate to vote on the measure.

Calling for an immediate vote, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader, attempted to pass the measure to increase the size of the checks using a procedural tactic that allows senators to advance legislation unless another senator objects. Mr. McConnell blocked the measure.

“Senate Democrats strongly support $2,000 checks. Even President Trump supports $2,000 checks,” Mr. Schumer said. “There’s one question left today: Do Senate Republicans join with the rest of America in supporting $2,000 checks?”

But Mr. McConnell’s decision to link all of Mr. Trump’s demands together could doom any chance of passage. While Democrats all support larger checks, they are unlikely to endorse a hasty overhaul of the legal shield currently in place for social media companies, especially measures put forward by Republican senators aimed at confronting what they believe is anti-conservative bias.

Democrats are also likely to resist anything that could be seen as trying to undermine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, as Mr. Trump has suggested. Mr. McConnell, who has privately urged his members not to object to the election results when Congress meets on Jan. 6 to ratify them, portrayed the president’s request as “exploring further ways to protect the sanctity of American ballots.” But Mr. Trump has been laser-focused on getting Congress to investigate “the very substantial voter fraud which took place,” an assertion he has repeated contrary to considerable evidence.

Adding to a growing chorus of Republicans, Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, both Georgia lawmakers facing tight runoff elections in a week, announced on Tuesday that they supported increasing the size of individual stimulus checks to $2,000 from $600.

“I’m delighted to support the president in this $2,000,” Mr. Perdue said on Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom” on Tuesday morning. “It’s the right thing to do for people in Georgia.”

The House voted on Monday evening to increase the size of the checks to $2,000, daring Senate Republicans to either approve the heftier sum or defy President Trump, whose demand for bigger checks nearly scuttled the entire stimulus package. Mr. Trump kept up his campaign for the measure on Tuesday, demanding in a tweet “$2000 for our great people, not $600!”

Ms. Loeffler and Mr. Perdue joined a handful of Republican senators, including Marco Rubio of Florida, Josh Hawley of Missouri and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who have backed increasing the checks to $2,000. But the majority of Senate Republicans have so far remained opposed to the plan.

The House vote, which just reached the two-thirds majority needed to pass, came a day after Mr. Trump finally signed off on a $900 billion pandemic relief package he initially denounced as a “disgrace” and refused to sign, unexpectedly demanding that lawmakers more than triple the direct payments. The legislation, which passed by a vote of 275 to 134, was supported by 44 Republican members.

In signing the relief bill on Sunday night, Mr. Trump claimed in a statement that the Senate would “start the process for a vote” on legislation that would increase direct payments and pledged that “much more money is coming.”

Republican lawmakers in the House were visibly frustrated with Mr. Trump’s demand. Some of the president’s closest allies, including Representatives Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the No. 2 Republican, and Jim Jordan of Ohio, voted against the measure, and Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee, complained on the House floor that the proposal had been “hastily dropped on us at the last minute” and wouldn’t assist those who needed it most.

“I worry that this whopping $463 billion won’t do what’s needed, stimulate the economy or help workers get back to work,” Mr. Brady said.

I predicted this in the Political Thread, they are gonna add a bunch of other poison pills in an attempt to make it look like the Dems are the ones holding things up.

The GA runoffs are in a week, dude just trying to get through that.
I predicted this in the Political Thread, they are gonna add a bunch of other poison pills in an attempt to make it look like the Dems are the ones holding things up.

The GA runoffs are in a week, dude just trying to get through that.
Ahh so more added BS. F this dude.
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