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All these food trucks lined up outside the crib.
Ran down and decided to get some turkey leg nachos.
It's not bad.
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Are you one of Adam silver's burner accounts?

The shortest off-season in North American Sports history followed by a condensed schedule and the most injuries to star players in the history of the playoffs are coincidental no matter how you try to spin it.

"They're just so happened to be 8 freak injuries. Nothing the league could have done 🤷🏿‍♂️"
I know you don't play sports, but at least try and exercise your brain. You don't know how rest or injuries work. Be quiet sometimes. Injuries happen b. It's not all fatigue related. Especially if dudes came into the season healthy. Be tf quiet sometimes.
Interesting… you think they should just go run and gun with a small ball lineup (Gallo at the 5?)?

They’re not stopping Embiid anyways. Might as well just try to out score them. Just double Embiid every time and force someone else to make shots. Can’t give up easy dunks and cuts though (way easier said than done).

Seth and Thybulle have hit 5 threes so far. That’s the big difference.
100%. Pick your poison obviously but I’d be fine with making Embiid beat me with his passing instead letting him bulldoze all night. He’s certainly capable of beating me with the pass but that’s the lesser of two evils if I’m the defense.

You can even keep Capela out there to set harder screens for Trae at the logo but stop deluding yourself into thinking he can consistently slow down Jo. He needs to see two bodies on the 1st dribble.
They haven’t hunted Seth all night either :lol: By my count Bogey got 5 wide open 3s in the last game off of that basic action. Very disappointing approach all around.

Hmm, so partial tear?

If that’s what it is, he’s done for the playoffs. I had a partial ACL tear. Happened during a rec league game and I kept playing on it after (not knowing what had happened). It wasn’t excruciatingly painful, but my knee felt like it had no stability when I planted or moved laterally. I was lucky I didn’t make it worse.

So I’m not in favor of Kawhi playing again even if a sprain is different from a partial tear. Not worth risking a KD situation.
I need to see you to make this and put your spin on it. :nerd:

Downtown - Farmers Market. Pearl Street Eats.
They line up all these food trucks the third Wednesday of every month.
It's a good family environment and they usually have live music. Come through.

Real talk I'm pulling up with fam next week. Appreciate it bro
After hitting that deep 3 like 7 feet behind the line, did Trae just sarcastically ask for a review to check if it was a 2? :lol:

Idk if you can do that when you're down 20.
A lot of what's happening isn't fatigue related though. Knee injuries can happen bat any time. Pulled ham strings happen at any time. Kawhi just made a wrong step. Kyrie came down on a guys foot. Cp3 may or may not have contracted Covid.

While I get the shortened off season sucks, deepest playoff runs were Lakers and heat. Both out. Most of everyone else were out early or didn't play at all. Had more time off. All while fresh from 5 months off prior to return. It's a bummer, but more coincidental over direct correlation.
Rock clapping gif. Finally someone gets it.
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