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Bad calls on Oregon extended the drive for Wazzu. They didn't help themselves, but officiating screwed them.
third and like 20 and the refs throw a soft *** flag on oregon:smh:

this is my first time watching wazzu this year but i’m gonna have to watch more of them. ward is hella exciting and dynamic at QB
USC, Washington, UCLA, and Washington St…. Oregon St if they win tonight, Utah and Cal behind all of them. Weird conference once again.
Napier going to 2, twice and now down 5 points is hilarious. Had he kicked the extra point both times, they’d just need a feed goal.
Napier going to 2, twice and now down 5 points is hilarious. Had he kicked the extra point both times, they’d just need a feed goal.
Instead he wants to put IMMENSE pressure on the QB who's been in his own head for 3 games to win the game.

And the o line collapsing and leading to an interception to end the game is perfectly on brand.

**** football this game is stupid and I hate it.
Why did I turn away from the damn Oregon-Wazzu game, amend the pac 12 rankings flip the Ducks in and Wazzu out. They couldn’t even win with Ward’s magician plays which would work 1 out of 10 times and he’d get *****ed out all 9 other times.
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