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Man, I can’t do these 730 est games. Could not imagine actually going to a 730 game. There just too much time in between waking up and being strong enough to not tap out by 730. Serious washedness
Caleb Williams must scramble for 200+ yards a game with how poor they block for him. Earning every dollar.
I should mention, Rod does a lot of the late night Pac 12 games and fans of the conference’s teams tend to hate his color commentary. It often feels like he’s giving analysis that either doesn’t match what happened on screen or is just inaccurate. I like him though because I watch so many of these games I find his voice weirdly reassuring.
Second straight week where Georgia played terrible.

Offensive line has been an issue all season. Both of our guards can't get any push. I have no idea why Kirby hired Stacy Searles. He didn't even do a good job at UNC!

Jalen Carter is hurt which clearly hurt the run defense.

I'll receiving core didn't play super great either
I was worried something bad happened to Corso and looks like there was something going on. Glad it sounds like he’s ok though:

Didn’t watch the game, but was this over the punter getting lit up after the fake?

Was that the kid’s call? Or was Day trying to rub it in to Schiano?

Day said after the game the punter did that himself but yeah after he got laid out on the sideline there was a scuffle and then Schiano came running over there. If you watch the play when the punter caught the ball there was nobody near him and he had tons of space so took off.

Don’t get me wrong Day will score some points and win big but as long as I can remember I’ve never seen him call a fake while up that big except against Maryland a couple years back when there was some off-season words said. I’m pretty sure they ran the time out with the second string and didn’t attempt many passes if any. He should’ve bombed it to the end zone after Schiano ran over there :lol:
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How’s Travis hunter doing this season?

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