Oh no it’s official no matter what
But it’s nice more people will know
This thread gonna celebrate it regardless
Thinking of doing a give away to
Maybe give away 5 pairs to 5 lucky nters???
Or a Nike gift card what u guys think

Nike gift cards. I’m down to help with that.
Also how would like like winner to be chosen???
At random or how many likes that
That person received during af1 day
Like post a pic
With ur sn and date
And u wearing the shoe and most like wins or something
How would y’all wanna do it
Oh no it’s official no matter what
But it’s nice more people will know
This thread gonna celebrate it regardless
Thinking of doing a give away to
Maybe give away 5 pairs to 5 lucky nters???
Or a Nike gift card what u guys think

Giveaway sounds fantastic.
I say we all throw money into a pot and use it to by some white on whites and have someone or several people go to a poor area of town and give them away to random people on the street. Just my opinion.
This is really the only option. Everyone should give a pair away locally if they have the means. For those that don’t have the means, link up with another NTer to split the cost. We should give back, especially for the first annual.
You guys might wanna do a post minimum too. Like 10 posts before the week of AF1 day.
Wish we could check post by member
In a specific thread
Remember u could see how many times a person posted in a thread
We could do minimum join date plus minimum posts in this thread in order to be eligible
Wish we could check post by member
In a specific thread
Remember u could see how many times a person posted in a thread
We could do minimum join date plus minimum posts in this thread in order to be eligible

Yea I remember that on the old platform. We could just do overall number of post like Doxen said.
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