Those are clean... But the top collar >D

What they were going for was probably this


Unfortunately, what we ended up with was this

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^they still trash quality wise tho

I can’t rock GR Forces in 2k18 & beyond. Bespoke only.
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pics of ur bespokes? i only ever see NTers post am1 spokes

Oh I don’t have any Bespokes, most of my Forces are older. Im just saying if I get new AF1s, they have to be Bespoke cause I can’t settle for the GR quality they are releasing nowadays. Eventually, I’m going to make my way to 21 Mercer to create a ton of AF1s.
Oh I don’t have any Bespokes, most of my Forces are older. Im just saying if I get new AF1s, they have to be Bespoke cause I can’t settle for the GR quality they are releasing nowadays. Eventually, I’m going to make my way to 21 Mercer to create a ton of AF1s.
I thought it was the broadway shop that did all the custom AF1s on the main floor?
Broadway store, Nike Soho, does customizations as well but it's not the bespoke program. They do pop-up style customizations, not sure if they have anything now.
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