That staple pigeon x AF1 gimmick of having to buy a shirt to get a raffle ticket for only 30 pairs produced is stupid. What a money grab
Oh okay, you’re not cheap then, you just have different priorities. And are poor at communicating your ideas.

A simple qualifier, such as “As a family man with other priorities, 250 is ...” would have framed your mindset in the proper context. I think we can all appreciate someone having different priorities.

But when all you give us, in a sneaker forum, is a flat out “250 is ridiculous” it comes off as cheap.

There’s also the whole quality vs quantity mindset, which I believe can be attributed to cheapness (choosing quantity). But I don’t want to derail the thread further so we can discuss that some other day.
Oooooh ok I get it
Ur a lame
I don’t have to frame anything
To anyone
I’m a say it how I want
I don’t even know u
So why would I care how I say something
Go run along and play lil boy
I ain’t even responding to u anymore
I know u prolly gonna throw shots and all that
Just know I’m not even gonna read it
Kinda hard to explain but if you've seen a lot of collabs with Japanese designers or what Japanese people tend to like you'll understand.

The chunky af1 midsole, fat laces, flower, and the different upper (layer underneath the black) make them Japanese.

No one outside of Asia would've designed a pair like that.

The core of Japanese fashion and influence came from ‘50s and 60s American fashion. You do realize that right? Japanese fascination with American culture during the occupation is how they were influenced even to this day.

So I guess we can say Japanese people just copied Americans then, right?

also, stop living in the early 2010s lol. Japanese people (mostly women) are actually dressing and being inspired by Korean fashion trends these days.

The chunky af1 midsole, fat laces, flower, and the different upper (layer underneath the black) make them Japanese.

the af1 midsoles aren’t chunky/modified for this shoe... they’re the the regular 07 base model af1.
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my ss

I’m a say it how I want
Just know I’m not even gonna read it

YIKES. With that mindset, I guarantee you have issues with miscommunication at work, with your spouse, with friends. Sadly, you probably think everyone else is the problem, right? Nope, it's you. If you learn to communicate better, and to listen better, your life will be improved immensely.

Ur a lame
I know u prolly gonna throw shots and all that

YIKES again. If you don't want people taking shots at you, maybe don't take shots first. This is common sense stuff.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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