Hey guys what is the best place for trading. I really don't want to make money off the wheats I got yesterday just want to get my size.
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Hey guys what is the best place for trading. I really don't want to make money off the wheats I got yesterday just want to get my size.
What size you got and what size you looking for?

I have no idea who that Geiger guy is but those Forces are turrible 
What size you got and what size you looking for?

I have no idea who that Geiger guy is but those Forces are turrible :x

I have a 10.5 and need an 8.5.

John Geiger is a nice guy but he's the ultimate hype beast.
Anyone know if Nike SM got them? @NikeLA said on twitter that they would have them on the 1st, I called yesterday and the girl said they never got them. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about though...
Grabbed a psir at nike sf right before closing last night. They had one sz 11 when i called, but in yhe 20 min it took me to get there it sold. I asked if they had anything close and after sweating for a few minutes i saw dude coming with a 10.5. Fave pickup in a while. All around such a great sneaker. Need to grab a second pair, or maybe wait to see how ids are looking if they drop
planning on checking em out today

would be really surprised if they're sold out

something's telling me they'll still have em
nah, I'm in houston
Lol I grabbed the last pair I know of from any HOH in Houston yesterday at Northline. The only ones I know left were at Premium yesterday when I called around noon they had one pair and of 8.5 and 12 left.
must've been 1 or 2 fsrs

never seen a brown shoe sell well here

really just wanted to see em in person

I chose the flax trainer 1s over em anyway

thanks for the info, saved me a trip
Why is he wearing long *** Coats and Hoodies in every pic

Like a chick wears a extra large tee shirt to bed ….. NIGHTGOWN status?

is that the style?

Him and Darelle Revis are those cats that take the kanye-esque style too far. Neither of those cats know how to dress
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