For me it depends on the material that the strap is made out of...If its a rigid material I usually just take them off...If it's the classic nylon material I wear them flipped around the back or strapped up on occasion...
I take the straps completely off all my highs

they just don't work strapped

For me it depends on the material that the strap is made out of...If its a rigid material I usually just take them off...If it's the classic nylon material I wear them flipped around the back or strapped up on occasion...

Same. For me they always end up dragging and looking terrible :smh:

They look more cleaner without the strap.

Wuts the purpose of having hi's without da straps??
I'll post mine and a way to keep them off the floor from draggin bruhs
as a grown man I don't like stuff dangling all over the place

cats walking around with their shoes untied, shoe straps undone, keys hanging off their belt loop, big ***** phone with a clip off the side and all types of bracelets and other crap

I just can't do it

the straps look better and look even better when they're strapped correctly but t don't know anyone who can do it
I'm with @egaroc1 on this one ;highs without straps just doesn't feel right. I'm 31 BTW, I wear mine just like @riverdale road:
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Damn it's a slow time for forces
We out here debating how to rock the strap :lol:

This is key stuff Bruh lol, I had a serious question and glad I'm not the only one that feel so.

Strap hanging from back from someone shoe that's not 12 and under is just weird to me. Then the strap on regular way just look like you chocking shoe. Plus the strap not like mids where you don't have to strap up so can't just leave it be.
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as a grown man I don't like stuff dangling all over the place

cats walking around with their shoes untied, shoe straps undone, keys hanging off their belt loop, big ***** phone with a clip off the side and all types of bracelets and other crap

I just can't do it
exactly how i feel, straps off for me so far.

I might rock my Pendleton IDs with straps on one day.
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I was referring to the straps in that pic. I personally don't wear my laces like that though :lol:. I'm not from that generation. My generation used to wear their mids with a sock folded under their tongue to make it stick out a little with an X lacing system. Anybody else?
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Hello all,
my 1st post in here and i need some help already! :\

A friend of mine is looking for these. Anybody know what they are? I dont know AF1 :frown:

Forgot how annoying high top force strap be.. What's YA thought on removing that crap?
Bruh that strap makes the shoe
That dangling from the back of it
Or if it's a leather strap letting it curve around the shoe like a mid
is so damn
Agreed. The strap makes the shoe for the highs! AF1 hi looks naked without the strap.

Either strap em up tight, or let them hang loose in the back. If Rasheed Wallace could do it, you can too.
Hello all,
my 1st post in here and i need some help already! :\

A friend of mine is looking for these. Anybody know what they are? I dont know AF1 :frown:

That's how u posed rockem.
It's not a young thing at all. It's demographic region location where u from and generation wise as to how u rock em. I grew up with the straps hangin. Rasheed hoops like this!

This is how I sport my straps. I put the Velcro strap thru the loop. It takes a bit of effort but once it's it u don't have to worry about the strap dragging on the ground or the strap swinging too much.
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