Official Air Jordan 11 Retro "Bred" - The aftermath.... No Buying/Selling/Trading

damn you're all about protecting resellers, I swear. We get it. You resell. Yes, ok.

if thats your thing, fine. I just can't stand people who stand up for resellers or resellers who flaunt the amount of pairs they picked up just to resell. Like a drug dealer bragging about selling dope. You're not that cool.

And I'm in no way comparing what resellers do to what drug dealers do. That wasnt my intent.

Not about protecting anybody, i'm just against the cry babies that scream and holler abut paying somebody a little more than what they had to pay to get a pair of shoes! If you're going to cry about it, then go sit on the sideline somewhere and watch everybody else play! That's just how I feel, sick of hearing "Anti-resell, i'll never pay anything above retail" If thats your thinking, dont buy anything because you're paying more than retail on 50% of your daily purchases unless it's food and thats even worst!

P.S. I do resell, anytime you move something on the secondary market, you're a reseller :rolleyes but if you look down at my sig, what does it say??? Can you see that? You see the big F/T???
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You just said exactly what I was about to type, but couldnt put into words. Comparing resellers to a store who buys at wholesale and sells for a mark up is absolutely ridiculous.


LOL How is it ridiculous??? It's the EXACT same thing! They buy in mass and mark up for their profit??? What is the difference?. Sometimes it seems like folks just talk to be talkin!
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Ordered these hoping for them to be leaps and bounds better than my CDP pairs. They are not. At all. Granted, they might be more comfy, but for the few times a year I wear em, I don't mind how the CDP pair feels at all.
Yes, we know resellers suck, et al

But moving on - let's see some more on-feet pics!  Everyone has their own way of rocking 'em so I always find those pics interesting.  
LOL How is it ridiculous??? It's the EXACT same thing! They buy in mass and mark up for their profit??? What is the difference?. Sometimes it seems like folks just talk to be talkin!

The difference is they sell at msrp to make their profit. Resellers are generally price gougers.
The difference is they sell at msrp to make their profit. Resellers are generally price gougers.
It's ultimately up to the buyer if he's gonna give in to reseller's rape price. If you know what your buying and fair market resale prices, rape resellers shouldn't be an issue. The seller can't force you to buy the shoes from them.
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Just tried on my cool greys for the first time and I most admit they are way more comfortable then these damn Breds....feels like a whole different shoe....Sam sz quality has dropped that drastically over a 2 year period?? I got doubles of both and I'm glad
It's ultimately up to the buyer if he's gonna give in to reseller's rape price. I you know what your buying and fair market resale prices, rape resellers shouldn't be an issue. The seller can't force you to buy the shoes from them.

I agree. I'm not against reselling, but comparing they are not the same as retailers.
Just tried on my cool greys for the first time and I most admit they are way more comfortable then these damn Breds....feels like a whole different shoe....Sam sz quality has dropped that drastically over a 2 year period?? I got doubles of both and I'm glad
I think it is all in your head. JB quality has been the same for longer than the past 2 years.
It's ultimately up to the buyer if he's gonna give in to reseller's rape price. I you know what your buying and fair market resale prices, rape resellers shouldn't be an issue. The seller can't force you to buy the shoes from them.

Exactly!!! In real estate, if somebody puts their home on the market for a ridiculous amount and a prospective buyer, sees the home, loves everything about it and pays the asking price, what is wrong with that? If youre selling a nice car and you put a hefty price tag on it, if you get somebody that wants it and pays you what you're asking, whats the problem with that?

I am confident that the majority of these dudes out there cryin and complaining about resellers and retail retail retail are just young dudes with limited cash flow and cant afford to pay for a shoe on the secondary market. Back in the day, we didn't care anything about paying more than retail and we sure didnt care if another man was asking for more than retail. Capitalism, it's the American way, we have the freedom to ask $9,000 for a pair of Black/Red XI's if we so choose and if theres a dummy out there wanting to pay that, I cant do anything but congratulate the seller, not HATE on the dude because he put some money in his pocket.
The difference is they sell at msrp to make their profit. Resellers are generally price gougers.

Throw price out the window, the concept remains the same, they sell at MSRP, but they buy in bulk(price per unit drops, but we arent talking price) to make a profit. You guys argument goes down the drain because in your ideal scenario, you would expect wal-mart to buy 80,000 t-shirts at $2.13 a shirt and RESELL them at $2.13 a shirt! You are against them making a profit, so why should they be allowed to raise their price to $10? Isn't that more gouging than somebody making $45-$50 on a pair of shoes that they did who knows what to obtain?

All in all, I couldn't care less what another man asks for his shoes or anything else for that matter, I live in America and he has the right to ask whatever he wants for whatever he has to sell. Now do I have the right to sit in a corner and sulk like a whiny 3rd grade little girl about him making more than retail for his item? Absolutely, that is also my right LOL! :lol:
Exactly!!! In real estate, if somebody puts their home on the market for a ridiculous amount and a prospective buyer, sees the home, loves everything about it and pays the asking price, what is wrong with that? If youre selling a nice car and you put a hefty price tag on it, if you get somebody that wants it and pays you what you're asking, whats the problem with that?

I am confident that the majority of these dudes out there cryin and complaining about resellers and retail retail retail are just young dudes with limited cash flow and cant afford to pay for a shoe on the secondary market. Back in the day, we didn't care anything about paying more than retail and we sure didnt care if another man was asking for more than retail. Capitalism, it's the American way, we have the freedom to ask $9,000 for a pair of Black/Red XI's if we so choose and if theres a dummy out there wanting to pay that, I cant do anything but congratulate the seller, not HATE on the dude because he put some money in his pocket.
I think the anger from "anti-resellers" stem more from the fact that they lessen chances to cop on RD by buying tons of pairs just to sell for double the price. Not necessarily the actual price.
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Exactly!!! In real estate, if somebody puts their home on the market for a ridiculous amount and a prospective buyer, sees the home, loves everything about it and pays the asking price, what is wrong with that? If youre selling a nice car and you put a hefty price tag on it, if you get somebody that wants it and pays you what you're asking, whats the problem with that?

I am confident that the majority of these dudes out there cryin and complaining about resellers and retail retail retail are just young dudes with limited cash flow and cant afford to pay for a shoe on the secondary market. Back in the day, we didn't care anything about paying more than retail and we sure didnt care if another man was asking for more than retail. Capitalism, it's the American way, we have the freedom to ask $9,000 for a pair of Black/Red XI's if we so choose and if theres a dummy out there wanting to pay that, I cant do anything but congratulate the seller, not HATE on the dude because he put some money in his pocket.
Wrong...just quit with the housing/car comparisons. I'm not against resellers....but if a house is on the market, the mortgage company will only loan you the amount the house is worth...not what the seller is asking for. Essentially the same as MSRP. Same thing goes for cars.

Now if you're talking about collectors items...which some of these shoes are....then the market determines those re-sell prices.

Don't compare collectors items to regular houses/cars....please
I think the anger from "anti-resellers" stem more from the fact that they lessen chances to cop on RD by buying tons of pairs just to sell for double the price and make a profit. Not necessarily the actual price.

Yes, thats exactly what it is. It reminds me of what my wife tells me they did when she was young, she said her family NEVER got to eat anything unless everybody in the house could have some and anytime I show up at her parents house with food or something and I don't bring some for everybody in the house she gives me the crazy eye. OH NO! I bought this food with MY money, so I am going to eat it with MY mouth and if you want some, you need to do what it takes to find a way to get some. I absolutely understand the concept and where her family is coming from, manners etc, but somebody shouldn't have to walk on egg shells just to please the person sitting next to them.
I think the anger from "anti-resellers" stem more from the fact that they lessen chances to cop on RD by buying tons of pairs just to sell for double the price. Not necessarily the actual price.
Also just salty talk cause they missed out on RD. it's been almost a month since then and still complaining. Just be ready next time and do your hw. There were plenty of chances to get them at retail and retail + $10-50.
Wrong...just quit with the housing/car comparisons. I'm not against resellers....but if a house is on the market, the mortgage company will only loan you the amount the house is worth...not what the seller is asking for. Essentially the same as MSRP. Same thing goes for cars.

Now if you're talking about collectors items...which some of these shoes are....then the market determines those re-sell prices.

Don't compare collectors items to regular houses/cars....please

Absolutely wrong. I am sitting here looking eye to eye with somebody that just bought 3 houses for his kids at over a half million dollars CASH! He doesn't have to go grab a loan so my point is made and made exactly how I meant for it to be made.

Thats another thing, if you're having to go out and secure loans for your CRAP, STOP! You don't need it. Work hard and put money way from day 1. If you need something bad enough, you shouldn't have to have someone help you pay for it but in the process of helping, GET GOUGED(RESELLLLLLLL) yet again.
Throw price out the window, the concept remains the same, they sell at MSRP, but they buy in bulk(price per unit drops, but we arent talking price) to make a profit. You guys argument goes down the drain because in your ideal scenario, you would expect wal-mart to buy 80,000 t-shirts at $2.13 a shirt and RESELL them at $2.13 a shirt! You are against them making a profit, so why should they be allowed to raise their price to $10? Isn't that more gouging than somebody making $45-$50 on a pair of shoes that they did who knows what to obtain?

All in all, I couldn't care less what another man asks for his shoes or anything else for that matter, I live in America and he has the right to ask whatever he wants for whatever he has to sell. Now do I have the right to sit in a corner and sulk like a whiny 3rd grade little girl about him making more than retail for his item? Absolutely, that is also my right LOL! :lol:

No its not gouging because wal mart has a contract with the manufacturer to get the wholesale price. They then sell at the market price (fair) suggested by manufacturer.

A reseller does not generally have this type of agreement with the stores they buy from.

They take advantage of a small aftermarket.

Like I said I'm not against reselling though. It is captalism.
No its not gouging because wal mart has a contract with the manufacturer to get the wholesale price. They then sell at the market price (fair) suggested by manufacturer.

A reseller does not generally have this type of agreement with the stores they buy from.

They take advantage of a small aftermarket.

Like I said I'm not against reselling though. It is captalism.

Yes, we are aware of the economics, but my question for the "anti-reseller" is why is it ok for Wal-Mart to pay $2.15 for a shirt and sell for $10 and it's not ok for a person to take a shoe they paid $150-$250 and sell for $300-$400? I'm telling you, it's only this dependant generation that has a problem with another man making a dollar. It reminds me of pro-athletes, I heard Amare Stoudemire say in an interview that he would not sign for adults because they are going to turn around and sell his autograph for $100.00 and he didn't want that!!! Here's a guy that is being paid millions of dollars for playing a game and the fans help pay his salary by being loyal to his team and he is worried about a man who may be struggling to pay his bills going out and making $100.00??? Really??? Get your priorities straight and be thankful for what you do have, not hateful for what you don't or what the next man does.
Absolutely wrong. I am sitting here looking eye to eye with somebody that just bought 3 houses for his kids at over a half million dollars CASH! He doesn't have to go grab a loan so my point is made and made exactly how I meant for it to be made.

Thats another thing, if you're having to go out and secure loans for your CRAP, STOP! You don't need it. Work hard and put money way from day 1. If you need something bad enough, you shouldn't have to have someone help you pay for it but in the process of helping, GET GOUGED(RESELLLLLLLL) yet again.

You're a clown. Just stop already.
Your problem isn't with resellers, it's with the people who buy them. 

No reseller PROFIT = No reseller.

And as far as i'm concernced people will continue to buy heat for $200 over retail for years to come. Alot of hypebeasts and sneakerheads out there need to cop by whatever means necessary. Nothing you can do but secure YOUR pair as best as you can and not worry about the next man.
Ok, i'm done :D I just feel everybody has the right to do whatever it is they wish to do with their money or property, how crazy would I look tellin another man how much he needs to sell his junk for.

On another note, I need to take some pics of the haul I picked up while in Phoenix last week, 2012's AND 2001's :D
Your problem isn't with resellers, it's with the people who buy them. 

No reseller PROFIT = No reseller.

And as far as i'm concernced people will continue to buy heat for $200 over retail for years to come. Alot of hypebeasts and sneakerheads out there need to cop by whatever means necessary. Nothing you can do but secure YOUR pair as best as you can and not worry about the next man.

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