::::Official Air Jordan II/XXI Countdown Pack Post! 4/26::::

i just waitng for the price to drop some more, ryt now its sitting on $250 on PYS
Ive seen them for $200 in MD... has anyone seen them for 160 or so in the Baltimore/DC area? I know people have posted them in NY for that price at Modells andstuff...
I dig this pack, although I haven't copped yet. Im feeling the XX1 over the IIs. Ill admit the first CDP pics of the XX1s looked lame but in person
they look good imo.
Originally Posted by xbiker47

does anyone know where these are for cheap in lower manhatten in NYC??

Sorry I'm late on this one...

Don't know if they still have them, but Modells in Brooklyn (new one at Fulton Street Mall) had the pack for half price, $155.

Also, Dr. Jays on 34th street in Manhattan had the pack for $169.99.
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