Official Air Jordan/Levi's Collaboration Post 3-1-2008

Originally Posted by jordunk

got my pack yesterday wow is great my pack was 100% bubble wraped in side a perfect fit box and i recived it in 3 days unlike eastbay or fnl
I know you feeling GUD. What number did u get?
Originally Posted by tyclef

I have some comments and some questions.

First, did anyone get these at NTSF or Levi's in SF? What was the line like, how many pairs did they have. I wanted these, but I refused to camp so obviously I missed out.

To all of those downing people for getting them saying they are ugly etc. are you guys the same ones who say stuff like "wear what you like, buy what you like, and who cares what other people think." Maybe that is what some of these people did... A bit hypocritical don't you think?

To some of those people saying they would laugh at anyone who got these (or something similar) maybe people just got them to get their hustle on. 3-4 hundred per pair profit is not bad... Like Jay-Z said "don't knock the hustle!" And to anyone who might say that the resellers are taking away from people who actually want them I have a few comments for that:

If you really want them, make it happen and dedicate yourself towards getting them. Even if there were no resellers, there were not enough pairs and availability was not widespread. Resellers allow people in Nebraska and Arizona and Canada etc. get them. These people would never see a pair if only people who wanted them bought them. People who work on Saturday or late Friday night would never be able to get them. If anyone has ever bought from anyone on NT or ebay, they support resellers, so again don't be a hypocrite if you have done one of those things. Simple supply and demand economics as far as that is concerned.

I had another thing to say, I forgot, but at this point probably no one is even listening anymore...
How did levis handle the release? Did they let people run from nt to their emtpy chairs in the levis line?
You guys will buy anything with a Jumpman on it I swear,This is why JB/NIKE keeps putting out this garbage because you all eat anything up with a limited tagon it or stuff that you THINK is limited..STOP BUYING THIS TRASH AND MAYBE THEY WILL GET THE HINT.
Stick to the original colorways.
just got a call from and since i order a size 13 and there website said they came with a size 30x34 and the sent me a 40x34 ......they are nowsending me a free pair of 32x34 jeans FOR FREE (since they didn't make a 30x34 ,it was a misprint on the website).............. thanks
First time visiting this post...


Originally Posted by MR AUTHENTIC

just got a call from and since i order a size 13 and there website said they came with a size 30x34 and the sent me a 40x34 ......they are now sending me a free pair of 32x34 jeans FOR FREE (since they didn't make a 30x34 ,it was a misprint on the website).............. thanks
Same here i got the call yesterday
i'm going to sell thejeans to help cut down the price of the pack
on 106 and park Terrence had the levi jordans on and he keep putting his sneaker up on the screen like "LOOK AT MY KICKS", lol
I wasn't really feeling these at all. I've gotten every pkg. release from Brand Jordan so far, but the cement print on the 1 killed it for me. OD, andtoo much red, and overpriced as well. This is one of the most expensive releases so far but with only one pair of Jordans? I aint knoccin anybody who copped,but they just weren't for me. Looking forward to the 14/9 pkg though...
Originally Posted by tyclef

And to anyone who might say that the resellers are taking away from people who actually want them I have a few comments for that:

If you really want them, make it happen and dedicate yourself towards getting them. Even if there were no resellers, there were not enough pairs and availability was not widespread. Resellers allow people in Nebraska and Arizona and Canada etc. get them. These people would never see a pair if only people who wanted them bought them. People who work on Saturday or late Friday night would never be able to get them. If anyone has ever bought from anyone on NT or ebay, they support resellers, so again don't be a hypocrite if you have done one of those things. Simple supply and demand economics as far as that is concerned.

just cut the bs, youre embarrassing yourself. re-sellers arent "allowing" or "helping" anyone to get releases. if there wasnt such aphony hype and artificial demand created by these dirtbags, there wouldnt be a problem to begin with.
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