Official Air Jordan XI Retro Concord PM/HELP list: READ!!!!!

Dec 14, 1999
We understand that this is probably one of the most hyped releases ever and it's inevitable that many people will NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. Too many people will get themselves banned for buying and selling with the upcoming Concord XI's release. So to help alleviate this, I decided to create this post...Hopefully this will lessen some of the unwanted/unneeded traffic in the other thread...

1) This is only to be used as a PM list...Nothing more!...Posting
your size(s) and/or location is the ONLY thing that will be allowed. Whatever you decide to "PM" one another will be your choice and at your own risk.

2) NO POSTING FOR SALE/TRADE ADS... Posting that you are selling or trading, even if it's for retail or less, will get you suspended! These type of posts still belong in the buy/sell forums. If you are indeed selling or trading, keep it thru PM's and help out someone who's posted a size they're looking for.

All other posts will be deleted.

I honestly don't know if this post will do anybody any good, but we always talk about helping people out as a shoe community. Well, here's your chance.

Size 10. Fort Hood, TX. Unfortunately I will be in the field during the release so if anyone could help me out it'd be much appreciated.
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