Official Air Jordan XII 'Nubuck' Post - They're up.

i want these shoes as much as any other nter out there,but if everyone jumps on them as soon as they are put up online then nike will keep doing whatever they want to jerk {US} the consumer around. i to have read every post on this subject and i feel all your pain. i didn't wait up cause i forgot , but i have waisted a good part of my day checking nt and the jb link. airmax2k3 said it besti his post. i would luv to see us get organized and let nike know how we feel , but even if we did do you really think they would give f. you know they won't cause as soon as the link works we will all buy the shoes and nike won't care about us cause they will have gotten there money from us even though they screwed us all over.evry minute that goes by w/out the shoes being up i start caring less about even getting them.i'm to the point now that if i get them i get them. i won't lose any sleep if don't . i'm only getting one pair now instead of three.also the more this goes on the less i believe these shoes will be that hard to get anyway.i mean can you honestly believe this money grubbing corp. {nike} is only going produce these in limited numbers. i believe it when i see it. i forgot to mention that i have yet to receive anything in the mail or an email from jb and i have been registered ever since they started having people register @ jb.
Im happy to see that mess. from
Ive been sittin at my comp since 12 last night, and all Ive been seein is error and Nov 28.
Im glad to see that they got the package in
Hopefully I wont have to be at this comp for another 14 hrs and Ill be able to cop these bad boys in the next hr or so
Caryn: Hi, my name is Caryn. How may I help you?
You: hello
You: do you know when the black unc retro 12;s will go on sale?
Caryn: Should be sometime later today.
You: o really, i heard some conflicting information saying its suppose to drop on the 28th of this month.
You: would you know anything about that?
Caryn: It will be available later today.
You: alright, also ...... would they only be on and at $200.00 or is that an limited time situation
Caryn: They are only available to registered members on
You: so they won't be selling them outside other than sumtime down the road?
Caryn: As far as I know, they will only be sold on
You: alright thanks,
Well heres some info that I got ...all you heads who wanted next day like I did guess we not getting it.

Susan: Hi, my name is Susan. How may I help you?
You: yes hello i was wondering if you have information regarding the jordan xii package that was supposed to come out today ?
Susan: Yes. There has been a delay in getting it onto the site and we are working very hard to have it available as soon as possible.
You: is there any gurantee that it will be up tonight ? ive been hearing that maybe not until the 28th...i also waited up all night to make sure i didnt miss out..and im trying not to have to do it again tonight
Susan: I have not heard anything about it being the 28th. It should be later today or early tomorrow.
You: do you knowif next day shipping will be an option ? and if so around how much ?
Susan: We do offer next day shipping, however, that starts when the product leaves the warehouse. This product has a ship window of about 5 days.
You: ok thank you

BrOOklyn Ac..Never Went To Class but We Classy
Ok, Lets count the ways Nike/JB has screwed up here.

1) Not mailing postcards to all who were supposed to recieve one.

2) Not sending emails to all who were supposed to get one.

3) Screwing people and not launching the site when the advertised it to launch.

4) Not supplying employee's with proper info to give to us.

5) Sending false emails to some people with the incorrect date.

Basically, Nike/JB is making so many mistakes someone really needs to go back to school and learn how to treat their customers
"Come on Buddy Lee, let's make like a tree and go!"
Jennifer: Hi, my name is Jennifer. How may I help you?
You: Hey, I was just wondering about the Jordan XII Package that was supposed to release today. Is it still set to release today, if so, any particular time?
Jennifer: They are experiencing some technical troubles. An e-mail will be sent once it is launched.
You: So that's all the information you can provide? It's not even 100% that they will be released today?
Jennifer: That is correct.
You: Okay thank you. One last question.... Do you know how many pairs were produced?
Jennifer: No.
You: okay.
You: thanks
Jennifer: Thanks for visiting

p.s. Registered members on receive FREE ground shipping for a limited time. Orders of $200 or more also receive FREE ground shipping.
Think it'll sell out today if they drop? >D

I'm as anxious to get these as anyone, but I think everyone is REALLY overreacting here. I don't see where Nike or Jordan Brand has screwed any of you over, at least not to the extent that you all are saying.

I haven't got my mailing yet. I'm sure I'll get it in a couple of days as I'm always really late getting the JB mailings.

They said that they will be out on the 24th, but the 24th isn't even over with yet. They didn't promise midnight on the 24th. They'll be up eventually and I'm sure that there will be plenty to go around at least for the first few days.

EDIT: BTW, being rude to the online cusotmer service people at Nike really shows nothing but brass immaturity. If anyone is at fault here of a grand conspiracy of screwing over Jordan Brand's most loyal cusotmers, it certainly isn't them. They are doing what they are told. So show some respect.
Maybe it's just me but maybe everyone needs to relax a bit here. These arent going to sell out okay. Every member will have their opportunity to get up to 3 pairs. This isnt a public release. If youre signed up you will get your pairs. Calm down a bit. The site is going to take orders all week. Lets not go and ruin things by complaining to nike/jordan brand, all that will do in the end is end something that has just begun. Jordan Brand is trying to do something for the members, its a first time thing. So far the only official word was we'd be able to order on the 24th, well its still the 24th. Have a little patience. And dont yell at the customer service reps, all that will do is end the next jordan members exclusive limited shoe...and believe me you don't want that. ~ misled75

^^ misled75 ~ I hope you do not work for JB or Nike trying to calm NTers down and saving JB/Nike's ***. Yes NTer might have been angry and frustrated. Shouldn't they BE? People have waiting all day/night and still nothing. If a big company spreads words on a limited release SHOULDN'T they have PREPARED for this overload on the site AHEAD of time? Nike should have EXPECT this overload. And what they should have done about it? Nothing? They should just let this "technical difficulty" run its course? Buyers should wait?

At the very least they should have updated the page saying they have encountered problems last night and post a NEW time for launch. Also do not forget we are talking about Nike here, one of the biggest shoe companies on the world, if not the biggest.

Nike could have also prevented this "million of calls @ their customer service department" by updating the page with information of what is going on etc.

Nike for sure gets 1000 X :stoneface:
for their prompt reactions.

You can mark me down for a sz. 7 and a sz. 14, but I think we should all take the survey one more time, and let them know in the comment section that they have problems.
^^^eat beef, you got lucky |I

j/k, but you know you would've stayed up with everybody else (i didn't) if you didn't have them.......epp! Hold can lie to me, but please sir don't lie to yourself :pimp:

Bwuahahahaha...just talked to my NIKE.COM insider and 99.99% of the conversations are about the NUBUCKS :lol:

Technically it's STILL the 24th so all we can do now as consumers is wait. I know it sucks but like I always say to people at all the Jordan launches I work at, "If you could wait 7 years (in this case the 12's), what's a few more hours?"

But still after all these years NIKE retail should have been more prepared for something like this, someone really fumbled the ball on this one. Seriously, if you don't want something like this to happen again the what y'all need to do as consumers is speak up.

What a shame in retail standards. At NIKE retail the motto is having an "Obsession with customer service",
I don't see no obsession here. It sucks when someone like ME has to address a SIMPLE customer service issue like this.

Femininely speaking, in the words of Patrick Tuohy, "What's up with that?

EKIN :rolleyes

"People ask me why I do it...I don't even say a word, they just wouldn't understand."
Ok, Lets count the ways Nike/JB has screwed up here.

1) Not mailing postcards to all who were supposed to recieve one.

2) Not sending emails to all who were supposed to get one.

3) Screwing people and not launching the site when the advertised it to launch.

4) Not supplying employee's with proper info to give to us.

5) Sending false emails to some people with the incorrect date.

forgot to mention not being able to take canadian/international orders.
Maybe it's just me but maybe everyone needs to relax a bit here. These arent going to sell out okay. Every member will have their opportunity to get up to 3 pairs. This isnt a public release. If youre signed up you will get your pairs. Calm down a bit. The site is going to take orders all week. Lets not go and ruin things by complaining to nike/jordan brand, all that will do in the end is end something that has just begun. Jordan Brand is trying to do something for the members, its a first time thing. So far the only official word was we'd be able to order on the 24th, well its still the 24th. Have a little patience. And dont yell at the customer service reps, all that will do is end the next jordan members exclusive limited shoe...and believe me you don't want that.
You are right man.

It is only you. You obviously didnt wake up at 3am ET like so many of us did just to see that there weren't any shoes availible. Well almost 16 hours later we still have no shoes. I know that I will get my pair, but I am not concerned about that. I have a problem with the lack of preparation on Nike's part. They know about Niketalk. They knew we had the link. It isn't hard to figure out that there have been problems. Big problems. You don't tell people that a shoe will be released and then not have them release on the appropriate day. AM2K3 has already said that some people messed up big time. This is seriously a huge screw up for them. The shoes had better be up by time I go to sleep, or I will call over and over again complaining. I do not want to talk to the people at customer service anymore. I want to give my opinion to people who should care what I think. It is quite obvious that they don't right now.
AIRMAX2K3: How do we contact people about this to voice our opinion? I am not letting this one go. I don't know what else to do besides calling customer service though.
The majority of you guys are so blessed, man...

Calm down, go touch and smell that DS collection you have, and be patient...

I got 99 problems, but kicks ain't one...
The real question is will the "Official Post" reach auto-lock before they drop???

An NT first!
Me: Yeah, what techical difficulties are you having with the Nubucks.
Kim: You want to know exactly?
Me: Well yeah.
Kim: It just isn't showing up.
Me: :stoneface:
Yeah whatever.
Hangs up. What kind of bs answer is that? It isn't showing up? Give me a break. The people at Nike should know how to make a website run by now.
im going to stay over my gf's place 2nite and won't have internet access.
damn nike. damn them.
im feenin jordans
I honestly don't see why you guys--especially those that were here during the beginning of the retro craze--even expect magic from Nike/JB anymore...

The magic was in 98-2001...

We keep holding on like Nas' Immatic album...

My sincere feelings goes out to those that stayed up on-line to nothing.
I got 99 problems, but kicks ain't one...
nike sux :stoneface:
.....thts why im not getting these dumb azs shoes online im gettin um from my friends coach for *FREE*" and then payin my boy a hundred" But still.How limited are they if their givin out free pairs to coaches ..ha
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