Official Air Jordan XX3 Black/Stealth Post 2/23/08

Originally Posted by DJIA305


Calm down, man that's why we're here! Someone will post as soon as they come up.
Hahaha alright thanks man, I 'm not trying to miss out even though I feel like I have b/c I haven't participated in any online discussionssince the XX3 pics were revealed, I need these joints, can't compete with the young bucks that go to the shoe stores mad early, I need to get these online
Originally Posted by zdawgz

Wow, these couldn't have sold out already...
Thats what Im thinkin..I had a pair in my cart but opted out because the coupon didnt work, as mentioned beforehand.
I dont know why they keep puttin them up and takin them down, I got an email but Ill be pissed if they get cancelled. Cuz Im already pissed Im payin full pricebut I decided to use cash to cop my first pairs of 23s and the 95 since I got a discount!!
word same with me i was down if a code worked
ill just have to get my hands on tha stealths later
im str8 with my all stars for now
btw from now on are jordans excluded from online codes on fnl?? or did they just do this for tha 23s??
thats weird, it still says unavailable for me. finishline had the same problems with the white/black/red online release.
Originally Posted by zdawgz

FSR up now on codes working though. at out with the quickness!

[table][tr][td]Order Subtotal[/td] [td]$184.99[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Shipping*[/td] [td]$0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Tax[/td] [td]$0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Discount[/td] [td]-$0.00[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]ORDER TOTAL[/td] [td]$184.99[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Credit Card[/td] [td]$184.99[/td] [/tr][/table]
damn I cant belive I paid $ 196 dollars on a pair of post jordan era jordans! may the hype live
Just a Heads Up...Finishline already has free shipping but you still get charged for tax.
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