OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

Nike With 1 day shipping
Teddy bears delivered, laced tight with extra dark red laces. Very soft suede on every part, should be super comfortable!

ill4eva ill4eva Just adding that I love how they smell 😁 no quality problem and so rare those days, no plastic panels... Classy liner. Glad after all those years skipping overpriced/disintegrated second hands.
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I’m not even gonna wait for a sale on those. I still miss my first pair. Had to throw them away because I had them in my garage and used to stash my weed in there. One day I left my pipe inside the shoe and forgot about it. Could not get the smell out afterwards. Lol
I’m not even gonna wait for a sale on those. I still miss my first pair. Had to throw them away because I had them in my garage and used to stash my weed in there. One day I left my pipe inside the shoe and forgot about it. Could not get the smell out afterwards. Lol
i had the dunks from this pack. ughhhh cmon nike and hurry up
^ Damn… Both Shimas & Limestones already on sale?? Envy y’all since the latter will be coming out next week here in Japan while we hear nothing in terms of the former….
Same didnt need another pair , but a year from now I’ll be happy I copped
I’m still working on my ‘12 pair that I’ve only worn a handful of times, and have a ds SB pair…. 😂 I’ll probably be good until the next, or even next after that retro.
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