OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

No luck at Pentagon City mall and champs locations won't ship. I don't have a car living in DC so looks like I missed out on these. Oh and the Georgetown Nike store didn't get these.
Yall callin out these malls sayin they have sizes cant yall just pick them up for these folks that need them

im pretty sure almost everyone these days is paypal ready. And its not like u gonna get flaked on if they tryin to buy the shoe from some site like 20 min ago.

Im just sayin ... if u dnt live in the area or go by it then ok but its just coming off as if yall have went in to
see and instead of posting then just get the assist

i'll pass. i work 40 hrs a week with a wife and an
8 y/o. i aint buying and shipping no damn sneakers for some dude on the internet. btw, i called the spots, i dont go to the mall
i'll pass. i work 40 hrs a week with a wife and an
8 y/o. i aint buying and shipping no damn sneakers for some dude on the internet. btw, i called the spots, i dont go to the mall
Well with an attitude like that just never expect someone too be generous when you are missing out.

Just sayin..
Well with an attitude like that just never expect someone too be generous when you are missing out.

Just sayin..

having someone go out and buy a pair of shoes then ship without profiting? that is going beyond. I totally understand if people aren't willing.
it is sillie to expect people to do such a thing. as i said, it is an inconvenience for strangers to help strangers that you won't even meet face to face.

if someone here pm me a site or location is plenty of enough help.
if they sell me the kicks they currently have in hand for a profit, but less than the open reseller market, that is still good.
if they go out of their way, drive to the location with the intention to help buy for a stranger then ship for no profit? i musta been their best friend or sucked their d|ck in another life.

i wouldn't even ask my friend to get me a raffle ticket, so i d@mn well ain't expecting internet stranger to buy and send me shoes.

but then again, some people got a high horse and feel everyone should go out of their way to help others at a loss. loss = time, money, ect. well maybe just time and money.

but hey, if someone wants to do more than drop links and locations, more power to you.

and where the hell is the USPS???
Lol alright man

So anyways ....

Shoe palace order should arrive Thursday, praying i dont get that adverse weather shipping email
having someone go out and buy a pair of shoes then ship without profiting? that is going beyond.
I did it and many did it for me as well...Sunshine for example went back to NT London to get a pair of Wimbledons for me, he didn't know me, he could resell them for 500 bucks easy instead he came back to Chicago and he shipped it to me from over there cuz cheaper for me... Thankfully there are still people willing to help for no profit.
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Now to find a outfit that's gonna go with these smh :x

don't need an outfit. from what i've seen the shoes speak for themselves. jeans and like a simple t shirt or sweatshirt should be fine. i cant speak for you though since i dont know how you like to dress, and i havent seen the shoes in person. so the people who have them can give a better idea on what they would go good with than me. but i bet a simple outfit would make them look better than tryin to go overboard to match
I did it and many did it for me as well...Sunshine for example went back to NT London to get a pair of Wimbledons for me, he didn't know me, he could resell them for 500 bucks easy instead he came back to Chicago and he shipped it to me from over there cuz cheaper for me... Thankfully there are still people willing to help for no profit.

it's always good to help out and network with people from other citys
Did the EU get these this year? I remember the QS super bowl releases from last year popping up on H-S about a week later last year. Never did get that ridiculous 1972 QS in silver even though I watched the price drop to super low levels and I should have.
came from mall at Stonestown Champs, they sold out. they still got a few pairs of the other superbowl pack, but not many.

I did it and many did it for me as well...Sunshine for example went back to NT London to get a pair of Wimbledons for me, he didn't know me, he could resell them for 500 bucks easy instead he came back to Chicago and he shipped it to me from over there cuz cheaper for me... Thankfully there are still people willing to help for no profit.

rarity, but it is good to know that there are people like that. hope no one takes advantage of them to sour them. heard from another thread that a person hooked up a stranger for retail because there was a sob story, but later finds out it was a lie and the guy turned around and went to sell the shoe for hefty profit.
Yeah lebron said he wasn't a sneaker head but "that these kicks will put them to bed" I assume that means he likes these.
and that makes the chances of me getting a pair even worse. lebron wearing a pair is like kanye wearing a pair as far as hype goes.

lebron has 190,000 likes of that pic and another 4,160 comments on it. at this point, i've pretty much given up hope of getting a pair for retail. if anyone with an extra size 12 feels like being a good samaritan, peep the pm :nerd: lol
Yeah lebron said he wasn't a sneaker head but "that these kicks will put them to bed" I assume that means he likes these.

he can say he's not a sneakerhead all he wants but i would be willing to bet that he has a better collection than about all but 10 or 20 people in the world
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