OFFICIAL: Air Trainer 1 Mid Premium aka "Chlorophylls"... paging Wallyhop....

^ No, I live in HK...

Surprised, really... no one here follows American Football, let alone knows who Barry is...
Same in Japan. Wouldn't say "no one", but just can't think there are that many ppl whom knows who Barry Sanders is in here. Actually, I knew him only as a Lion and didn't even know he attended Oklahoma State until this came out coz I've never been a huge fan of American FB tho.

@SinnerP crap lol. thanks though. maybe we'll be get lucky and see them release stateside.

These aren't releasing in US? I thought Asian & EU countries are just getting them few months earlier than US just like the cases w/ those first 2 Safari AT-1 Low ST. But it'd be a huge shame if this won't make it to the stateside.
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^ Most HKers only follow the NBA (in terms of US sports).  The Japanese follow a lot more American sports, so it'd make more sense to sell the Bo's, Barry's, Griffey's there... but yet, I've seen selected models here, which is surprising.  
Need help with these, can't find them anywhere and Nike don't have any info on them. Product number won't even show up on Nike system, what gives?
Did they already release?? I thought that pic is just a sample. And since i'm not familiar w/ Nike System you're talking about, it's making me wonder whether it is supposed to be containing all the products' info such as product numbers including the ones for samples that can eventually be scrapped tho.
They actually released at Oneness, but when I called the following day they were completely sold out. They were also unsure if they would be restocked.
I checked niketown Chicago but to no avail. They didn't have a clue about what shoe I was referring to. When I provided them the product number they also came up blank. I checked for the product number as well, but once again they show no matches found. I checked other local boutiques but still no luck.

If anyone out there has some info on these, please share. It would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Here's the product # 637995-102
Yo! That's fkng weird! I've been doing a google search and NDC search along with eBay search like everyday and haven't seen that. I'm doing my homework on them as we speak. Appreciate the help TheShoeWizard! :nthat:
Did you try google? I just found this on the first page of a search of "nike 637995-102":

No idea if that place is legit FYI.  Make sure you legit check them if you decide to purchase.

Place is legit, its a mom and pop shop with a few locations in Brooklyn. They've been in business for over 15 years. But just a note, this colorway is up on jimmyjazz right now and can be had with a 10% off coupon code for 81$ before shipping.
P.S. Here's the product # 637995-102
Never knew that it was released already and never knew that u've already got the product number either. But if I knew it, google search is the first thing I do too and I guess I'll keep doing that at first since it definitely sounds like it's more reliable than using Nike System.
Couldn't resist on a pair for 80$ in person yesterday, had to swap the black laces for white tho.


Finally got around to wearing these out in the day time. Dropping subtle hints that it's time for a vacation at work, even though I'm not going anywhere tropical it's put me into a better mindset for the day's work.
white is def better IMO

can anyone with a pair of those pro bowl trainers take some high quality close up shots of the leather? i'm hearing it's pretty 
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wats the best deal out for the chlorophyll cw???

i know the quality is not up to par but i figured i could find em at a decent price about now.
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