Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

I'm off that...back to the discussion at hand.

Quantum science is going beyond the probe of atoms, photons, neutrons, quirks and exploring a newer string theory (dancing, unobservable, vibrational waves of energy) and membrane theory (Multiple universes, carved up into slices, living side by side, all conduced by?). Together they give room to explore what is know as the M-theory which is undertaking to prove the unity of Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak and Strong nuclear forces. The deeper Quantum physicists explore, the closer they encircle metaphysical philosophy. They are realizing there are higher realities within infinite dimensions of intelligent vibrational energy.

i mean it's interesting

and there are other studies that have shown similar neurological benefits for those who have "faith" or a sense of belief in or connection to thespiritual

but i don't quite see the point that you're trying to make...? were you just pointing out an interesting study or was it supposed to support anargument? i haven't read the majority of this thread.
Originally Posted by Lex Starks

At least Anton tries to debate with you. His friend though

who are you? go that way --->

and debate what. i'm past debating haze.

those pictures weren't even aimed at him, but rather the direction this whole thread has gone. if i was taking a personal shot at haze, i'd say hisname clearly. he knows that.

but thanks for your input bud. i'll be sure to google "pyramids + nubian owl men from neptune" before my next post. hopefully it'll give mesome empirical evidence to bolster my opinions.
My point in posting that article was that spirituality is not the exclusive domain of religion and that there is an undeniable spiritual component to life thatshouldn't be ignored.

We are only stunting human progress doing so.

Like I said a couple of pages ago, the further we advance scientifically and technologically, the closer we move back to ancient spiritual doctrines.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Lex Starks

At least Anton tries to debate with you. His friend though

who are you? go that way --->

and debate what. i'm past debating haze.

those pictures weren't even aimed at him, but rather the direction this whole thread has gone. if i was taking a personal shot at haze, i'd say his name clearly. he knows that.

but thanks for your input bud. i'll be sure to google "pyramids + nubian owl men from neptune" before my next post. hopefully it'll give me some empirical evidence to bolster my opinions.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

My point in posting that article was that spirituality is not the exclusive domain of religion and that there is an undeniable spiritual component to life that shouldn't be ignored.

We are only stunting human progress doing so.

Like I said a couple of pages ago, the further we advance scientifically and technologically, the closer we move back to ancient spiritual doctrines.
how though?

this appears to be a pretty cut-and-dry case of placebo effect.

i'm not discrediting the idea that there is a spiritual aspect to the universe or our existence, but that article does not offer anything resemblingevidence to support it.
Wow.....quick to piggyback each other with the corny jokes to divert serious discussion.

He left the thread but Nubian Owl Men from Neptune was his cue to return.

Tells me to stop posting random pics but he responds with Camron GIFs and pictures of Ether.

Never fails.

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

My point in posting that article was that spirituality is not the exclusive domain of religion and that there is an undeniable spiritual component to life that shouldn't be ignored.

We are only stunting human progress doing so.

Like I said a couple of pages ago, the further we advance scientifically and technologically, the closer we move back to ancient spiritual doctrines.
how though?

this appears to be a pretty cut-and-dry case of placebo effect.

i'm not discrediting the idea that there is a spiritual aspect to the universe or our existence, but that article does not offer anything resembling evidence to support it.

yeah. it's something to live for. that's why I mentioned old people with pets. They live longer.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Wow.....quick to piggyback each other with the corny jokes to divert serious discussion.

He left the thread but Nubian Owl Men from Neptune was his cue to return.

Tells me to stop posting random pics but he responds with Camron GIFs and pictures of Ether.

Never fails.

The camron gif was out of confusion. The random pics u post are meant to be part of the argument (eg. the pic of the constellation and the Olmecpic had no explanation but they were somehow supposed to support your argument. My gifs and pic serve the same purpose as an emoticon.

BDW, you must be that much smarter than everyone else on this thread........what information were you tryna divulge with that quote about quantum physics? Whatwas the point of that post, I'm curious.
Thats the thing though...where does the line between a placebo end the realm of a viable medicine begin?

If those spiritual practices can illicit that type of psychical change, then they warrant their own sciences.

There are spiritual sciences that developed over Milena, which are rooted in the observational sciences.

Western science has long written them off due to arrogance but as "new - age" thinking progresses and technology advances, we are rediscovered theselong held metaphysical truths.

I fully agree with you about the significance and educational value of methodology as well as history and philosophy of science. So many people today - and even professional scientists - seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is - in my opinion - the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth.
(Albert Einstein to Robert A. Thornton, 7 December 1944, EA 61-574)

How does it happen that a properly endowed natural scientist comes to concern himself with epistemology? Is there no more valuable work in his specialty? I hear many of my colleagues saying, and I sense it from many more, that they feel this way. I cannot share this sentiment. ... Concepts that have proven useful in ordering things easily achieve such an authority over us that we forget their earthly origins and accept them as unalterable givens. Thus they come to be stamped as 'necessities of thought,' 'a priori givens,' etc. The path of scientific advance is often made impassable for a long time through such errors. For that reason, it is by no means an idle game if we become practiced in analyzing the long common place concepts and exhibiting those circumstances upon which their justification and usefulness depend, how they have grown up, individually, out of the givens of experience. By this means, their all-too-great authority will be broken.
(Albert Einstein. 'Ernst Mach.' Physikalische Zeitschrift 17 (1916): 101, 102 - A memorial notice for the philosopher, Ernst Mach.)
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

My point in posting that article was that spirituality is not the exclusive domain of religion and that there is an undeniable spiritual component to life that shouldn't be ignored.

We are only stunting human progress doing so.

Like I said a couple of pages ago, the further we advance scientifically and technologically, the closer we move back to ancient spiritual doctrines.
how though?

this appears to be a pretty cut-and-dry case of placebo effect.

i'm not discrediting the idea that there is a spiritual aspect to the universe or our existence, but that article does not offer anything resembling evidence to support it.

yeah. it's something to live for. that's why I mentioned old people with pets. They live longer.
As do married old people.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

My point in posting that article was that spirituality is not the exclusive domain of religion and that there is an undeniable spiritual component to life that shouldn't be ignored.

We are only stunting human progress doing so.

Like I said a couple of pages ago, the further we advance scientifically and technologically, the closer we move back to ancient spiritual doctrines.
how though?

this appears to be a pretty cut-and-dry case of placebo effect.

i'm not discrediting the idea that there is a spiritual aspect to the universe or our existence, but that article does not offer anything resembling evidence to support it.

yeah. it's something to live for. that's why I mentioned old people with pets. They live longer.
As do married old people.
yep. too long in my opinion. Seems to me that the quickest way out of here is to be allergic to pets, hate marriage and don't believe in god.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Thats the thing though...where does the line between a placebo end the realm of a viable medicine begin?

If those spiritual practices can illicit that type of psychical change, then they warrant their own sciences.

There are spiritual sciences that developed over Milena, which are rooted in the observational sciences.

Western science has long written them off due to arrogance but as "new - age" thinking progresses and technology advances, we are rediscovered these long held metaphysical truths.
the placebo IS within the realm of viable medicine. doctors prescribe placebos to patients quite frequently.

and the placebo effect is one that can be quite powerful.

a sugar pill can elicit these physical responses as well.
This is still going? You know we can just wait and see. Because not 1 person in here can out right prove if God does/doesn't exist. They may believe eitherway but they don't know for sure.

So instead of getting feathers ruffled, lets play the waiting game. No matter how much science you bring to the table, your not going to disprove God. Nomatter how much scripture you bring, your not going to out right prove He's here. So lets wait and see.
Check out this movie if you get the chance...

These are things that I have known inherently and that people who lived over 45 thousand yeas ago, accepted as truth.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Thats the thing though...where does the line between a placebo end the realm of a viable medicine begin?

If those spiritual practices can illicit that type of psychical change, then they warrant their own sciences.

There are spiritual sciences that developed over Milena, which are rooted in the observational sciences.

Western science has long written them off due to arrogance but as "new - age" thinking progresses and technology advances, we are rediscovered these long held metaphysical truths.
the placebo IS within the realm of viable medicine. doctors prescribe placebos to patients quite frequently.

and the placebo effect is one that can be quite powerful.

a sugar pill can elicit these physical responses as well.
People underestimate the effect the mind has on the body physiologically. Stress is a condition based on someone's mind state.....high stresslevels release cortisol which in high levels have detrimental effects on the body (heart disease, artherosclerosis, poor immune system function and otherchronic illnesses).

Certain neurotransmitters are released based on someone's state of mind or mental health....there are neurotransmitters that mediate feeling of hope,happiness etc (serontonin, norepinephrine) and low levels of certain neurotransmitters are associated with sadness. Other human emotions such as anger, arousalare also mediate by neurological functions. How the mind works and how it affects the body can be explained by mechanism other than the supernatural andspiritual. However, your spiritual mind state can have a positive effect on your state of mind which leads to overall wellness (less stress, less disease).

True wellness is a state of mental, "spiritual" and physical equilibrium.....

I guess the main bullet point of what I'm trying to say is spiritual well-being mediates mental health which has positive effects on physical health.Whether there is an outside force controlling any of this is yet to be determined.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Thats the thing though...where does the line between a placebo end the realm of a viable medicine begin?

If those spiritual practices can illicit that type of psychical change, then they warrant their own sciences.

There are spiritual sciences that developed over Milena, which are rooted in the observational sciences.

Western science has long written them off due to arrogance but as "new - age" thinking progresses and technology advances, we are rediscovered these long held metaphysical truths.
the placebo IS within the realm of viable medicine. doctors prescribe placebos to patients quite frequently.

and the placebo effect is one that can be quite powerful.

a sugar pill can elicit these physical responses as well.
People underestimate the effect the mind has on the body physiologically. Stress is a condition based on someone's mind state.....high stress levels release cortisol which in high levels have detrimental effects on the body (heart disease, artherosclerosis, poor immune system function).

Certain neurotransmitters are released based on someone's state of mind or mental health....there are neurotransmitters that mediate feeling of hope, happiness etc (serontonin, norepinephrine) and low levels of certain neurotransmitters are associated with sadness. Other human emotions such as anger, arousal are also mediate by neurological functions. How the mind works and how it affects the body can be explained by mechanism other than the supernatural and spiritual. However, your spiritual mindstate can have a positive effect on your state of mind which leads to overall wellness (less stress, less disease).

True wellness is a state of mental, "spiritual" and physical equilibrium.....
i was going to say something like this but i didn't feel like writing it all out

our moods and emotions aren't just feelings, even minor changes in them elicit a long chain of hormonal events.

even touching another person causes a cascade of hormonal changes.

people who hug others and have more physical contact with others enjoy health benefits over those who do it less. i would guess these benefits are at least assubstantial as those enjoyed by those who believe in spirituality.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I forgot your stance on the subject. But what's your stance on God?
There's no proof of his existence, i don't see why I should live my life preoccupied with it. Simple as that.
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