Official Avatar/.gif Request Thread (All others will be locked)


3:59 - 4:04
AO2 on bottom right corner
White border and font

Thanks in advance!!!!
Can someone help me with my avy? When I mase it, it was only 79,000 bytes, but when I put it on NT it jumped to 283,000+ bytes. Also, it slowed down from whenI made it.

Here it is:


Originally Posted by TeflanDon

Can someone help me with my avy? When I mase it, it was only 79,000 bytes, but when I put it on NT it jumped to 283,000+ bytes. Also, it slowed down from when I made it.

Here it is:


what is mase it? if that is optimize'ing then yuku is basically putting extra weight on it. how many frames is it? did you delete every frame?you can also slow down the framerate by selecting all of them then right clicking. the higher the number the slower the frames. the lower the number the fasterit goes. hope that helps
pardon the noobish question, but is there an ideal length a gif is supposed to be, cause i got one, but its bout 16 secs lol
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

pardon the noobish question, but is there an ideal length a gif is supposed to be, cause i got one, but its bout 16 secs lol
5 secs or less. thats just to help with quality and size
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

pardon the noobish question, but is there an ideal length a gif is supposed to be, cause i got one, but its bout 16 secs lol
waaaaaaay to long for an avy,
usually like 4-5 sec
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by DJisMe3

pardon the noobish question, but is there an ideal length a gif is supposed to be, cause i got one, but its bout 16 secs lol
waaaaaaay to long for an avy,
usually like 4-5 sec
i dont really want it for an avy on here. i want it just so ill have it to post elsewhere

is that still too long?

if at all possible can i get 0:58 - 1:05 or 1:04

with KOT in red at the bottom

ppreciate it ahead of time.
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