Official Avatar/.gif Request Thread (All others will be locked)

1:47 to 1:48 (loop the part where Taylor Swift is dancing pretty please?)

With letters KSJ in the corner (any cool font) and a red border?

is it possible any1 can hit me up with 2 avys? 

1) :40-46


2) 2:27-2:36 (start when the blonde asian girl's face comes onscreen) OR 2:30- 2:36

white bordering with Laced. on the bottom right 

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]MUCH APPRECIATED if anyone can do it 
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

1:47 to 1:48 (loop the part where Taylor Swift is dancing pretty please?)

With letters KSJ in the corner (any cool font) and a red border?

Anyone? I'd truly appreciate it

3:55 - 4:05.
blue border
Brandon3000 in coursive on the bottom of the avy... any one please lol check out the still image i got now! its a shame lol
Brandon, which one do you want? 1st or 2nd.

PM me if you wanna get it done sooner, and try to pick a video segment that is under 7 seconds for best quality.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Brandon, which one do you want? 1st or 2nd.

ahhhhh i have to choose!!!??? do whichever one you think would look better. u got skills forreal, ive seen a lot of the ones you've done. so i trust ya judgement. whichever you think would look dope i'm using regardless. Thank you in advance
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