Official B l u - r a y thread - Confirmed: Lucasfilm preparing Star Wars box

Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

so i got planet earth tonight right...

and when i get home and look online i see that there is a special 5 disc edition...

will i see much more and should get it, or will the 4 disc one will be plenty to be happy with?

i want the harry potter set, watching a set on ebay, we will see.


EBW, that collection is so dope fam!

Thanks sir. I should be adding a few more this week. Zack and Miri and Nick andNorah probably.
ebw, i am a female number one!

and number two, you didnt even answer my question regarding planet earth.

i got it based off your word
(and jordanpp30)

nnarnum ....

:::my man::: (frank lucas)

you never hit me on aim anymore i swear

recent blu-ray pick ups minus planet earth and casino royale which were picked up tonight... i have others that are not pictured here... just trying to keepthis post going
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

ebw, i am a female number one!

and number two, you didnt even answer my question regarding planet earth.

i got it based off your word
(and jordanpp30)

nnarnum ....

:::my man::: (frank lucas)

you never hit me on aim anymore i swear

recent blu-ray pick ups minus planet earth and casino royale which were picked up tonight... i have others that are not pictured here... just trying to keep this post going

My bad my bad. I'm not even paying attention to NT right now, got a poker tourney going on. I think I got the 5 disc Planet Earth but i'm not sure. Itcan't be too much extra, you should be happy with Planet Earth either way. It's D O P E for real. Straight up eye candy. It always makes my friendsalways want to step up and cop Blu-rays. Weak punks.
No Weeds Season 3?That reminds me I need to get that back from another friend. Damn I gotta stop loaning out stuff, I can't keep inventory.
aiight i will just stick with what i got, i think i will be happy. i copped it at frys tonight after work, im gonna peep it out, i want check out the skate2and re5 demos right quick, see whats good.

weeds season 3 was 24.99, i need it to be 12.99 like 1 and 2

if you guys want a cool girl to play with sometime, add me on your list..
psn: stillmaticshay
xbl: shaybeezy

God Bless!
^ word, i about to get to that right about now... just got done with those demos... re5 online with a friend? i can't wait!

but yeah, thanks for the info love..'preciate it!
upon further research ....

i found the 5 disc set to Planet Earth on ebay for 59 shipped, I went with that.

I got the 4 disc set at Fry's for 80 plus tax, I can wait a few days to save 20 bucks and get an extra disc.
Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

upon further research ....

i found the 5 disc set to Planet Earth on ebay for 59 shipped, I went with that.

I got the 4 disc set at Fry's for 80 plus tax, I can wait a few days to save 20 bucks and get an extra disc.
you could of gotten it from for about $35 shipped. thats where i copped mine, and i believe the 5th disc is exclusive to the UK. thepackaging for the US verison is nicer though.

5th disc, cheaper price > packaging
^ well i guess if i would have looked even more, i could have found an ever better deal.

i'm still happy with the 59, and it will be here in a day cause the person lives a few cities away.

thanks for that 411.
Man this thread makes me want to step my Blu-ray game back up.
I gotta get back on it.
Total Recall looks really gritty. I guess it was the best quality they could capture off the film.

Dumb and Dumber didn't look too great either. It wasn't crystal clear and the colors looked dead

For Entrapment, the colors looked dead too.
Borrowed my buddys Matrix Trilogy, havent seen the first one in over 8 years... forgot how good it was. The picture quality is pretty good. I havent watched ablu-ray movie in quite awhile, been sticking to video games when I have free time.

I need to watch more.
Havent gotten to Reloaded yet... but I remember seeing it in theaters when it came out, I was like 15? And thought it was the most BA movie ever. The storyisn't as good, but I LOVED that action scenes, I still think the highway chase scene may be one of my favorites from any movie ever. Oh and Monica Bellucci
BTW they need to release LOTR and Star Wars on blu... looks like no plans anytime soon tho
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