Official B l u - r a y thread - Confirmed: Lucasfilm preparing Star Wars box

Just watched Casino Royale.. the quality is
Forgot how good it was
No, I'm not female. I'm actually DJkwaz. I'm just using this s/n because all the new ones I tried to make got rejected
If you want to see some good-looking old movies on Blu-ray, check out the older James Bond movies. Even the picture quality of Dr. No, the oldest Bond movie,looked amazing to me.
no imo its waste of money buying non action type movies on bd, but thats just me
Just got Friday the 13th!!!

I'm pretty hyped and will be watching this on the big screen once the game is over and once homework is complete.

I'm giddy like a little girl!!!
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Just got Friday the 13th!!!

I'm pretty hyped and will be watching this on the big screen once the game is over and once homework is complete.

I'm giddy like a little girl!!!
Mine came in as well. Let me know the quality is once you watch it.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

Just got Friday the 13th!!!

I'm pretty hyped and will be watching this on the big screen once the game is over and once homework is complete.

I'm giddy like a little girl!!!
Mine came in as well. Let me know the quality is once you watch it.
Considering this movie is nearly 30 years old, it looks pretty darn good. Some grain in the opening scene but after that it looks great. Greatcolors, clear, detailed. This movie is generally shot during the night but day time scenes look amazing and night scenes aren't too, too bad.

I am happy with my purchase. $10 well spent(Best Buy Reward Zone FTW). You will not be disappointed.
a waste to buy non-action movies on blu-ray?


wow, that would leave out A TON of great movies.

i just get what i like non-action or action, anything i like i would love to see a better, clearer, crisper picture with better sound.

all benefits no matter the genre!
^I thought that statement was a little far fetched myself. I understand what he is saying in the sense that the audio of a non-action movie won't be up topar with that of an action movie, but nearly all movies have some sort of in movie music, loud bangs, yelling scenes etc, that all display the great audio thatBlu's are capable of.

Some of the best looking Blu's aren't even Action/Adventure films.

First one that comes to mind is Planet Earth. Even King Kong, thought there are plenty of action scenes, the many, many, dialogue only scenes that there arelook amazing. When they first get to the island and see the Dinosaurs before they rush them. King Kong on the top of the Empire State Building prior to theairplanes shooting him down, all look fantastic.

To each his own. I find buying Blu's to be everything but a waste.
Italian Job
Reservior Dogs
Dawn of the Dead

decided its cheaper to just get netflix and say %!@% it
hey sneakerhead, peace fam.

naw i understand what he is saying, there is a HUGE difference, as far as the audio within the action scenes. I agree. IDK, i just like to buy them in myfavorite movies period, you know?
Just got my player on Christmas, and this is all i have so far with a few coming in the mail. The blank case is Sarah Marshall, Just picked up the first threeBatman's though

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