Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

Don't understand why girls sweat the dude from Twilight.

I don't get it either. He looks like wolfbane to me.
A mixture of funk, oil and dirt = Robert P.
can we get some middle eastern guys? i dont know any famous ones but the joints at my school are
Originally Posted by PatronOnIce

I've never once found asians hot idk why.
. A whole people, huh? I'm just going to go overhere and cry now, maybe take a shower in my clothes or something...

P.S. Why the hell am I in this thread?
Its nothing personal lol.

Oh Edward Cullen... see I think if I didnt read the books and love them(at least the first 3) I probably wouldnt find Robert Pattinson aka Edward so hot. Idont really find him that cute outside of the Edward character so I think its just the idea of him that the book gives off that makes him so hot... that makessense right?
Originally Posted by PatronOnIce

Its nothing personal lol.

Oh Edward Cullen... see I think if I didnt read the books and love them(at least the first 3) I probably wouldnt find Robert Pattinson aka Edward so hot. I dont really find him that cute outside of the Edward character so I think its just the idea of him that the book gives off that makes him so hot... that makes sense right?
Thank you!
you proved my point
this dude is only hyped because of Twilight
Basically... but there are a lot of actors and actresses that are like that. thats how some people get their "big breaks"

the geek in me loves twilight and thinks edwards a sexy %+% vampire.
I don't get it either. He looks like wolfbane to me.
A mixture of funk, oil and dirt = Robert P.
Yea, I was wondering what all the hype was about. No hateor nothin' but I don't see anything special bout the guy.

Oh Edward Cullen... see I think if I didnt read the books and love them(at least the first 3) I probably wouldnt find Robert Pattinson aka Edward so hot. I dont really find him that cute outside of the Edward character so I think its just the idea of him that the book gives off that makes him so hot... that makes sense right?
Makes sense. I've heard that from a lot of female friends so I'm not surprised.
Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by PatronOnIce

Its nothing personal lol.

Oh Edward Cullen... see I think if I didnt read the books and love them(at least the first 3) I probably wouldnt find Robert Pattinson aka Edward so hot. I dont really find him that cute outside of the Edward character so I think its just the idea of him that the book gives off that makes him so hot... that makes sense right?
Thank you!
you proved my point
this dude is only hyped because of Twilight
Ehhh maybe....I hated him as Cedric Diggory, but that's because I hated Cedric's character

But when Twilight came out (i ran and read all 4 books first b4 seeing the movie) I loved him because of his character

And him being hyped up over Twilight doesn't take away from his appeal

Half the broads the dudes on NT hype up are overrated, doesn't take away from their beastin' though
Originally Posted by PatronOnIce

the 4th book was so weird wasnt it? i didnt even finish it because i couldnt get with it.
we talking Breaking Dawn?

Why not? I loved it....especially when Bella got the goods...she was plotting on him since "Twilight"
I meant the 4th twilight book lol. i never read or watched harry potter.

the 4th book was good up to the "imprinting" then i just couldnt keep reading. it was too weird. def when the movie comes out seeing her change isgoing to be a crazy scene to watch.
I'm a guy, so how bout a name you can check out...a lot of girls I know talk about this dude Adam Senn. Supposedly he's some model that was on a MTVshow??
^^^ uh hi.... who is he?

and i was gone for the weekend so my two cents (if anyone cares) on Twilight and Robert Pattinson...
L (Harlemkickdiva) said it best.... he was not cute in Goblet of Fire in fact his character made him entirely too annoying to watch... outside of that i doagree that he is hyped up just because he plays Edward Cullen, but i think he cute & not because of his role... I've personally always had a thing fordirty white guys ( the ones that look dirty but they're really not L knows what I'm talking about)

anywho... pardon me for that momentary interruption.... carry on
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